Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tabitha's Summer Mornings

This is how she spends her early mornings after breakfast. Later in the day she moves to the other side of the walk for cool grass and a boxwood. She has also spotted the first weed coming up in the wood chips (click photo to enlarge). I'm glad you all enjoyed the Sad Cat Diary yesterday. All of Tabitha's entries would be joyful. She knows she has it made since she was once a homeless cat in a shelter before she was rescued for a cushy life at my cottage. I have another day of mowing ahead of me so I must cook my power breakfast now. Webster is patiently waiting to be fed too. See you later.
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stone Garden Ornament with Flame Finial

It really is carved in stone and it's beautiful. The image source identifies this antique architectural element as French. I'll take two, please.
I've been mowing since 5pm. I got a lot done. I did the front with my old-fashioned push reel mower like we had when I was a kid. If the grass isn't too long, it's actually faster than the riding mower. My front is tight with the brick wall. The riding mower throws too much grass up against the house. It was fun. I'm doing the back in sections. I did a field down there for the first time this year. It took about 2 hours. Now I'm going to relax and watch TV. See you tomorrow.
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'Sad Cat Diary' - Watch the Video

Click here if you can't see the video below.

Over 5 million views and I'm just now seeing it. Oh, the hard life of the sad cats of the world. So cute, funny and true.

Reminds me of the two Henri videos about a Parisian cat who hates everything. Henri
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Coffee with Dog Biscuits

I start each morning with soy milk heated in the microwave for my coffee. Webster starts his with four dog biscuits from this container. The sound of the lid being removed from the glass base brings him running. If I forget, he stands at the counter beside the sink and barks for his treats. my photo
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Monday, June 3, 2013

Albert Einstein and The Library

Yes. What a great quote from such a genius. via
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My Kitchen Sink with Daffodils

In a previous post, I blogged about the history of my recycled white porcelain double farm sink. I was just looking through some old photos and came across the lead photo with two big bunches of daffodils on the ledge. My mother and I picked them at an old abandoned farm house where we used to go to pick lilacs in the spring. I forgot to do it this year. I don't remember picking my own daffodils either. Next year, I shall. If you missed it, read more about my wonderful sink here. my photo
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Cat Naps Are Wonderful Things

Especially after breakfast on a cool, damp summer morning when the grass is too wet for outside sleeping. I have chores to do or I would jump in with her. Webster is stretched out on the rug in the guest room so it's very quiet around here. I think that heat wave we had wore everyone out! 
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Wet Dog

I did this very thing to Webster this morning when he came in from the soft summer rain. It's so much cooler and it smells like mountain air with the doors and windows open again. We enjoyed the A/C but we are fresh air lovers here at the cottage. via 
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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mellerstain House in Scotland

I was surprised to learn this charming cottage was in Scotland. It looks so much like a story book illustration, doesn't it? I love the hedge lining the walk. Let's go inside, shall we? via
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Eat Local

I haven't been to a single farmer's market yet this year. The ones near me haven't opened yet. via
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Peony Update

Since my peonies opened several days ago, there has been quite an explosion. Thankfully, we haven't had any rain to destroy them. They are a delight, aren't they? How does your garden grow? my iPhone photos
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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Antique Urns in An English Garden

The walls, the urns, the patina -- only in England! via
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Interior Design for Gardeners

Don't you love peeking into an antique collector's home? I would love to poke around look at all of the  old gardening items and curiosities, wouldn't you? via
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Owl Head Bump (Kiss on Forehead)

I can't believe today is the first day of June, can you? I'm ready for summer now so bring it on. I turned on my air conditioning yesterday and about 5 minutes later an alarm when off in my head. I forgot to take the cover off the outside unit. I ran to the wall and turned off the thermostat and ran outside to take the cover off. The fans on the unit would not go on so I called my repair company. Luckily they came over at the end of the day and fixed it. They said I was the second person idiot this week to do this very thing. You can be sure I'll never do it again. Click here to see this image in full resolution. It's great.
Happy June - I hope you will have a great weekend.
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Friday, May 31, 2013

Folding Deck Chairs - Curbside Find

I found these very nice folding deck chairs someone put out for curbside pick up. I like them a lot and they are in perfect condition. They are ideal for the far side of my balcony. I never cease to be amazed at what people toss out. They are the same color even though the one on the right looks more golden because it was in the sun. They fold into a nice tight package and will take up almost no room in my garage when the season is over. See you tomorrow.
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Nancy Lancaster Garden at Haseley Court

Don't you love Nancy Lancaster's trademark blue garden seats? Photographed at her last home, Haseley Court in Oxfordshire England. via Pinterest
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First Peony 2013

I was rewarded for getting out of bed this morning with my first open peony. It must have been waiting for some hot weather. I am so happy. my Nikon photo
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nice Porch with Swing

It looks like a good place to be on a hot day, doesn't it? via
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Peony Bud

One of these days the tight pods on my peonies will open. I'm in no hurry though. I like the upright buds. When they bloom, they will droop. Besides, I'm not going outside again anytime soon in this heat. It's 90° right now and I can hardly believe I had the heat on two days ago. my Nikon photo
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Wood's Edge Early This Morning

My woods looked pretty with the morning fog in the background and the early sunlight casting its yellow glow here and there. It is hot now and will be 90° later. Webster is not a happy camper and I'm not either. Tabitha is in 7th heaven. my Nikon photo
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My Birdbath in the Early Morning Light

Now I know why photographers prefer the early morning light. Everything just looks better before the sun has gotten very high in the sky. I took this photo a few minutes ago from the balcony with my Nikon. Of all my birdbaths, this one is the favorite for some reason. It serves as a perch too for the birds looking to pounce on an insect. See you later. Webster is whimpering to be fed.
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French Bulldog Love x 3

The three little pigs. via

I'm up way too early this morning enjoying my coffee and the open windows with the songs of birds wafting in with the cool breeze. Tabitha got me up and I couldn't go back to sleep so here I am.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Red Clover at My Cottage

This red clover in my field looks very much like rose colored chive blossoms. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good evening with sweet dreams. 
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Pink Roses in An English Village

These roses are too beautiful for words. The climate in England was kind to rose species brought in as guests from far off lands in times of old and they soon became residents, grew up, bred and cross bred. via
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