Sunday, March 3, 2013

Goodnight Spinning World

This owl makes my head spin. Goodnight via

The Lure of Books c.1911

‘The Lure of Books’ 1911 by Coles Phillips.
Life magazine (June 8, 1911)
Over one hundred years later, it is still impossible to clean around books without getting distracted. via

Maggie Smith as Lady Grantham

I miss watching Downton Abbey on Sunday nights, don't you? via

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Old Hotel Silver Fish Serving Platter

I use this large hotel silver fish platter as a tray on top of an oval stool in front of my green checked sofa and it works very well for serving tea and displaying small silver objects. The pierced decorative insert acts as a strainer and is removable. It's another rummage sale find that I like a lot.

Horse Trots Past My Cottage

It feels pretty raw outside even though the temps are in the low 40s and the rider has his neck and chin covered. Usually he's talking on his iPhone (on speaker) when he clippity clops by. Photographed with my Nikon through the window on the front door. I heard him coming so I grabbed my camera and waited. 

Have a great weekend.

"I am bored, therefore I make GIFs"
- René Descartes (1596-1650)
Me too! Hilarious

Friday, March 1, 2013

Boy Befriends Marmots in Austrian Alps

This is a sweet story about a young boy who befriended a colony of marmots while on a nature vacation with his family 4 years ago. Each year the family returns to the same place in the Alps where the marmots are waiting for a boy named Mateo. More pictures and story here.

Great Scissors

Best Galley Kitchen Ever

Really. Have you ever seen a better one? The round window is wonderful. I love the way the glass fronts on the cabinets cast reflections of outside. It's perfect. You're welcome. via

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Farmhouse Perfection

This is wonderful, isn't it? Click here for a tour, inside and out. You won't be disappointed.

Nice Sky At My Cottage

Yesterday, while walking the wonder dog when the sun was just starting to go down.

Know the location of the library.

Simple advice from a very wise man. via

Elephant Face Off

Awesome photo. These elders don't look at all angry, but friendly. Elephants are such magnificent animals and because of their ivory tusks their numbers are diminishing in Africa at an alarming rate. All because of the huge demand for ivory in China. via

A Friend is . . .

This would be such a lovely bookmark to give to a friend, wouldn't it? via

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dog Feeds Orphaned Lambs in England

Jess, the springer spaniel running on 180 acres to find one of her orphaned lambs to feed. She has been nurturing needy babes on her owner's farm in Devon, England for the past 10 years.

This year, out of a flock of 270 sheep Jess is ‘mother’ to four Dorset Horn lambs which could not be fed by their own mothers. Read more and see more large photographs here. Oh, how I love this story!

Mother Hen Keeping Watch

Is it safe to take the chicks outside? Mother hen ponders the situation. via

Fresh Eggs

Have you ever had an egg this fresh for breakfast? I have not. via

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fantasy Room

It looks like a room from a dream, doesn't it? Dibs on the chair and ottoman. via
What a wonderful birdbath. It's an old decorative cement one you can leave out in the winter. The bird is lovely too in the snow. We only have patches right now. The mild weather the last two days has melted most of it. I hope the patches aren't waiting for more!!! via

The Dalia Lama Said:

Sad but True.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Great Vintage Desk

This would be a great place to work, wouldn't it? It's sort of a rolling portable office on wheels. Love the collection of old globes and the adjustable architect/drafting stools. via

The Best Conservatory

This building is stunning, inside and out. via

Wonderful Door Handle

The reflection completes the heart. This unusual handle is probably one of a kind. via

Portrait of My Wonder Dog Named Webster

click photo to enlarge
I haven't posted any photos of the wonder dog lately. Here is an old one I like. He's worried this morning because I'm out of dog food. I will make some oatmeal and mix in some cat food for his breakfast. He will be thrilled. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Goodnight Sweet Cottage

I just walked webster and our night sky was exactly like this one. Goodnight dear friends. via

Antique Teapot Repaired Twice

Missing Lid?

Missing Spout?

No Problem! Another great example of make-do repairs on a square-form teapot c.1730. More photos here.

Will you watch The Oscars tonight?

Life of Pi
I will definitely be glued to my television screen even though I haven't seen one single movie that is up for an award. Here is a guide for everything you need to know for tonight's academy awards presentations at Are you having a party?
The gold statue has been redesigned by a group of film students but I can't find a photo to show you so we will have to wait.
Google has a great site to navigate The Oscars too. Quickly see a trailer of all the films nominated here.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

More Cat and Bunny Love

Reaching for a cat kiss. So sweet. via

Wonderful Work Space

I love this hanging desk so much. This is a perfect little place to sit and work, isn't it? The rolling cart around the corner filled with art supplies can be pulled around when needed. This is better than having drawers at the desk in my opinion. In my world, drawers are places to stuff junk. Paying bills here would be a real pleasure. I read somewhere that chalkboard is the new black. Have a great weekend.

Spring Robins Yesterday @ My Cottage

I saw my first flock of big fat robins hopping around the backyard yesterday. I took this photo last year at my cottage. This beauty landed on one of the pilars on either side of my front walk and posed very nicely for me. I love these birds, the true harbingers of spring.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Goodnight Dear Friends.

Tabitha has already gone to bed and so has Webster. I'm looking forward to watching a movie in mine very soon. Isn't this rabbit the cutest thing ever snuggling up to the cat? Have a good sleep tonight and wake up rested for the weekend! via

Beautiful Landscaping with Grasses

This is so lovely. I'm always drawn to living fences and I love the way these grasses are planted.