Monday, December 3, 2012

Unique Kitchen

I like this kitchen because it looks real. The only thing I would do is try to clean all the old dried up paint stains from the sink. Love the folk art accents. via

A Light in Every Window

I missed the town Christmas Tree lighting last night because I was with my mother. It was beautiful to see in the dark coming home along with many residents' outside decorations. The weather is still nice and not too cold to work outside. I usually wait until it's frigid and my fingers won't work. Early is better because Christmas will come whether I'm ready or not. via

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Individual Pot of Warm Apple Pie

Such a great recipe with butter pecan crust. Are you drooling yet? Makes 6 large pots. I pinned it here.

Geranium Illustration

Mine are all in bloom in spite of the neglect they have experienced lately. Geraniums are the nicest plants the year round inside and out. via
Thanks for all of you kind notes regarding my mom and her move to a nursing home. She is adjusting quite well and this is such a blessing for both of us.

Words for My Mother

I reached the end of my rope on Friday and made a call to a friend of mine to get names of local nursing homes for my mother. The one at the top of her list is the closest to the cottage; I could walk there if I had to. Luck was on my side that day as I gathered my mother's hospital papers to take to the admissions director without an advance phone call or appointment. I think she could sense my desperation and she worked miracles to get my mother admitted that very afternoon. I was not aware that after a 3 day hospital stay patients have a 30 day window eligibility for a generous number of days in a nursing home to recuperate. I can't remember the exact number but I think it is around 3 weeks. It's a great place and we are both happy with the decision. Of course my mother would rather be home but she's being well cared for by very loving people and the food is good too. It's a small facility so the food is home cooked and is really delicious. Mother eats every bite and sometimes asks for between meal snacks. We went to physical therapy yesterday and she's still being evaluated. I think my mother is the envy of all the people in her wing because I spend as much time there as I can. She was so happy to see me after her first night there. She said she cried and cried because I wasn't there. Each night will get easier. I'm catching up with all the things I neglected while she was trying to get better at home. I miss her and it's my pleasure to sit with her. I can't wait to see what's for lunch today! image source

Saturday, December 1, 2012

14 Free Holiday Fonts

Those of you who know me will remember that I'm wild about fonts. You can never have too many, especially when the holiday season rolls around in December. Click here to locate each one and download. Free is good!


Now that Tabitha has become an upstairs cat, she has tagged this as HER chair. She prides herself in her good taste in antiques. She prefers 18th century American ladder-back arm chairs in original paint with hand-made cushions. [my photo]

Interesting Seed Pod from A Tree

I picked up this beautiful pod from the deck of my real estate listing. I hope the tree that produced it survived the storm and is still standing in the spring so I can identify the species. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Frosty Leaf

Have a cozy weekend. See you tomorrow. Goodnight. via

Shorebird Weathervane circa 1880

I love the cutout heart within the banner. The shorebird motif is rare and the patina on this piece is wonderful. via

Good Morning Staircase

Morning light streams in through a Palladian window at Ruggles House c1818 by Aaron Sherman in Columbia Falls, Maine. via When two early risers meet in the middle, they say good morning to one another. How fun!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A visual essay about not shopping.

Open publication
Click on the link and read this wonderful essay (full size) about not shopping for one whole year called 'A Bunch Of Pretty Things I Did Not Buy' -- a small visual essay about not shopping. It's very insightful about on-line shopping. I loved it.

Baking Day by Elsa Beskow

As long as you are in the baking mood, you might as well do a weekly batch. Charming illustration by Elsa Beskow (the Scandinavian Beatrix Potter) from the book Emily and Daisy.

My Mom would like this place.

I've never been to Amsterdam but this might be a good reason go go. My mother would love the "housekeeping themed house". She grew up doing chores before school every day and she never lost the habit of keeping a nice house. Lately she goes around "dusting" and "washing windows". She always considered housework to be a form of recreation. Listen to the audio portion within the following's very uplifting.
The village where people have dementia – and fun
Click on the washing windows link for a good laugh.

Great Entrance Vestibule / Mud Room

I love the charcoal door against the stark white and the cutouts for the bench and shelf. via

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Caregiver

Replace the kitten with my mother and this is me without the strangle hold around my mom's neck. The symptoms of the stomach flu she had have disappeared thanks to the BRAT diet but her mind is shot. She's still sweet though and appreciative of my efforts to care for her. It's a lot easier now that there aren't so many bathroom breaks. via

Great Family Portrait

I love this. What a great assortment of pets that get along together to pose so beautifully for their family portrait. via

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Antique Brass Door Hardware

Engraved brass door lock with figural peacock door handle. Fabulous! via

Swaledale, Yorkshire, England

How wonderful it would be to have a meadow of yellow flowers as the front yard of your lovely English stone cottage. The view from the back garden is spectacular too. via

Still Snowing -- Hard!

I'm glad I got out early and got home safe and sound. It's really coming down hard now and accumulating. This was NOT supposed to happen like this. It was supposed to be light and stop. What a winter! I just took this photo with my Nikon with the telephoto lens looking to the very rear of my property. It's beautiful though. Mother had a good checkup.
This is a color photo. I did not convert it to black and white. There was no color out there. Just gray and black and white.

Softly Falling Snow This Morning

I have to go out in this wet snow in a couple of hours but am not worried. The roads are still black. I am feeling good this morning because I had a restful night and feel rather refreshed. I can't thank you enough for your words of encouragement. Who knew a blog could become a support group? I have the best followers in the world and even though we haven't met I know you are out there thinking of me. It helps to know others have been in similar situations and have such great suggestions on how to cope and become a good caregiver. xo, Rosemary

Monday, November 26, 2012

Attic Loft Man Cave

Photographed last spring at an open house. What a great place for a man to have an office in the attic of an old barn. [my iPhone photo]
I made this collage with some interesting photos from my computer using PicMonkey.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Handsome Webster

Webster is so handsome, isn't he? He really is the world's best dog and a such good babysitter for my mom. We have follow-up appointments with two doctors tomorrow and Tuesday. I haven't had very much to say to all of my readers regarding her condition because I am usually too upset. I need a support group for caregivers in the worst way. I'm not very good at it and I hate myself for being so impatient with my lovely mother. She deserves better. Nights are the worst. We'll get through this trying time hopefully and I'll get my mom back or at least a tiny bit of her. Webster is worried too. [my photo]

18thC. American House in Deerfield

Frary House Historic Deerfield Village Circa 1750. via

Weekend Calories

Would that this were true. Sigh.  via

Dogwood Blossoms in the Snow

This is an iPhone photo I took back in the spring with some free editing with PicMonkey for the winter. I like it, don't you? The program is not an app. Works on computer only (Mac or PC). It's awesome!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Singing Kitten on the Keys

This is the most wonderful kitten photo ever, isn't it? via
Goodnight. Have a great rest of the weekend. See you tomorrow.

Elephant Christmas Tree Recycling

At the Berlin Zoo in Germany, this is how they recycle their Christmas trees. They feed their elephants discarded Christmas trees thrown away by residents as well as unsold trees from vendors. I don't think I've ever seen an animal eat a whole tree, have you? It's a great idea. American zoos should try this too. Found here.

Baby Elephant Bath

Hold me tight Mom! via Is there anything cuter than a baby elephant? I think not. See more of my elephant posts here.

Breakfast Wish Cake

Yum. AKA Apple Cinnamon Cake. This would be great for Sunday Morning breakfast tomorrow. Recipe here. Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 23, 2012