Sunday, September 28, 2014

Beautiful Owl

This owl is so big and beautiful. I hope I can stay awake tonight for all the good Sunday Night TV shows. via

Crayons with Flesh in Many Colors

This is so great. via


Isn't this the cutest German Short Haired Pointer pup ever? via I am going to clean out my garage today to put things out at the roadway for our annual pick-up day. Wish me luck. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Small Lake Cottage

Isn't this a sweet lake cottage? We aren't nearly this advanced but the maple trees in my woods are quite beautiful. Summer's back tomorrow and it's supposed to be 81° and that's a good thing. Have a great weekend. xo via

Interesting Chalkboard Wall

Sorry. This image is not working.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Lovely Powder Room

Isn't this delightful? Love the wallpaper and everything else too. xo via

Hilarious dog bath.

HaHa. I can hardly believe my eyes. Have you ever seen a more contented face or a more relaxed body on a dog getting a bath? via

I miss having Webster in the Car

Don't worry, he's fine. But he can no longer jump into my car to go for a ride. It's too high off the ground. He can't jump up on my bed either and I actually sleep better because of that. Tabitha doesn't move a muscle all night long when she sleeps on my bed but she gets up much earlier that I would like. Right now, she's fast asleep in the vestibule all curled up on an old wool sweater in her cat bed with her food dish in plain sight. The rain arrived right on schedule and we are all enjoying a rainy day. Enjoy yours too. xo via

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rain on the Horizon for Tomorrow

Many of you already have it and it's headed this way. Be safe and stay snug if you can. xo

Which way are you looking?

I love to face the wind and feel it on my face. I never worry about my hair because I like it messy. via

Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Last Day of Summer

A lovely late summer scene in Budapest Hungary. via Are you excited about the first full day of Fall tomorrow? The Virginia creeper is turning red and I'm starting to see color in the maple trees. Fall is right on schedule. xo

Lovely Entrance and Paver Driveway with Grassy Strip

Wow. This photo proves you can have it all. Don't you love the grassy strip down the middle? These ribbon driveways are coming back and this makes me happy. I found this one on Pinterest. There is even a whole category featuring this welcome comeback on Houzz.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

MISS MARPLE Double Feature Tonight on PBS

Click here if you can't see the video below.

I just set my DVR to record both new episodes of Season 7 Miss Marple on Masterpiece Mystery on PBS. Tonight is going to be a wonderful TV night. I am also recording Madam Secretary and The Good Wife on CBS. I'm always happy when the good shows start at 8pm, aren't you? Happy viewing.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Did you sew as a child on a toy sewing machine?

I did and I had a similar toy sewing machine. I can vividly remember sewing doll clothes on the screened porch in the summer before I graduated to my mother's Singer in the sewing room. That was also at a very young age. We always had a sewing room too which was wonderful. I am selling this one on ebay. I photographed it in my guest room. This built-in cupboard with shelves above and drawers below has a pull-out slide that was perfect for attaching the clamp on this vintage child's sewing machine.
Webster, Tabitha and I worked outside all afternoon yesterday and into the early evening getting the yard ready for fall. I weed whacked and they watched. Really! They love to watch me work and they give me lots of moral support just by being close by. Our street was repaved this week and it looks so nice. Now both entrances to my circular driveway are nice and spiffy too. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

A Really Great Walled Garden

I took this photo yesterday with my iPhone. There are some really lovely secret gardens in my area and this one was especially beautiful. As you can see, it was a perfect day for touring several fabulous homes.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Some of My Favorite Things

Cubbies, wire shelves, bins, balls of string, twine, jars, pencils, labels, little gift bags, clothes pins, etc. I love it all. via

E. B. White writing in his boat shed

E.B. White writing in his boat shed overlooking Allen Cove, Maine photographed by Jill Krementz via
There's a lesson to be learned from this photograph. So many of us think we have to have a stage set kind of place in which to work. This isn't necessarily true, is it? Not that this isn't a special place but it doesn't look very comfortable. E.B.White's mind was probably churning with so many things he wanted to put down on paper and he could probably work anywhere. Jill Krementz's childhood home is near my cottage. xo

A Glimpse into Jackie's Fifth Ave Apartment

Jackie lived in the same apartment in NYC on Fifth Avenue for more than 30 years. The apartment overlooked central park and was a lesson in restraint, style and comfort. via Mark D. Sikes

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

French Choir Boys

Dreaming of Home. I found this wonderful video on Donna Baker's Blog called Gather. She posted the lyrics and the history of this beautiful song too. Choir boys always make me cry. This old Scottish hymn is from the movie JOYEUX NOEL and it's not on my must see list. Thanks, Donna.

My Fortune for Today

I have a can of Chinese Fortune Sticks that sits on table in my bedroom. When I think about it in the morning, I shake the can and open it up. Then I shake it at an angle and then pull out the stick protrudes the farthest and that is my fortune. The one for today was especially true. Here it is photographed on top of a book. "You(r) work is best done alone not in a group." That's me in a nutshell, the lone wolf. Busy day ahead -- see you later. xo

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Cat Cleaning Her Dog Pillow

I don't think the dog ever moved a muscle while this cat worked so very hard to get everything just right before settling in for a nap. I got up way too early this morning thanks to Tabitha and I took an afternoon nap on the sofa all wrapped up in a big woolen throw. It's very chilly outside and inside too. For some reason I always resist wearing socks until it gets really cold. xo

A Sophisticated Bar

I am a complete failure in the bar department but I think this setup is lovely. via I have a similar étagère in my bedroom with 2 drawers. It's perfect for holding all of my iPhone and iPad charging accessories and fits perfectly in its assigned space. I'm always thrilled when I find the perfect piece for the perfect spot. I am officially out of room for any more furniture unless I get rid of something or become a magician.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pretty Soon, This Will Be Me Too.

This is adorable even though I no longer allow dogs on furniture. He certainly must be having sweet dreams on this beautiful needlepoint pillow. I'll be tucking in soon to watch and learn about The Roosevelts on PBS. Will you be watching too? photo source

Perfect Way to Spend a Sunday Afternoon

I adore this photograph. It captures the perfect nap surrounded by a Duke's favorite things.
The Duke of Devonshire Taking a Nap in the Library at Chatsworth, Shot by Christopher Sykes. via