Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Piggy is Back for A Week-long Visit | Yay

Webster and I picked up The Pig last night. We've already been for two walks and both of the dogs are napping right now. I missed my weekly office meeting but want to go to a couple of open house tours. See you later. Aren't you glad to see Piggy again? He loves the balcony.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Beautiful Home To End A Beautiful Day

I've decided to end my beautiful day here. There's plenty of room so please join me. Entertaining on the Internet is so much easier than the real thing, isn't it?

Beaded Flag Safety Pin and A Reel Mower

I've been meaning to show you this cool beaded safety pin I've been wearing daily since Memorial Day. Purchased for a whopping 25¢ at the last church rummage sale. I love it.

Still life in progress in the front yard. I mowed what I could with the riding mower 2 days ago. The space is tight with the brick wall and the well head so I have to clean up the missed spots with the reel mower and the hand trimmer. The grass was knee high literally because my gas-powered push mower hasn't worked all year. I like this old-timey mower because it makes me feel like I'm 12 years old again. And that's a good thing.

Three Cheers for The Red, White and Blue

Make some red, white and blue lemonade today to wet your whistle.*

Creamy Lemon Popsicles [Recipe]

Creamy Lemon Popsicles Recipe
(Adapted from Whipped)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp. grated lemon peel
pinch of salt
1 1/4 cups buttermilk

Whisk sugar, lemon juice, lemon peel, and salt in a large bowl until sugar dissolves. Whisk in buttermilk.
Divide mixture among popsicle molds. Cover and freeze until firm, at least 4 hours and up to 5 days.
I can't wait to make these. I don't have any lemons or buttermilk on hand right or I would already be whipping these up. This is the best recipe I have found so far calling for the least amount of sugar. Don't they sound good? 

My ice cold watermelon will have to do for my July 4th treat later. Have a great holiday. xo

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Enjoy the day tomorrow whatever you do. Dine outdoors after a good July Fourth parade and then look forward to the evening fireworks. *

George VI: The Reluctant King

The Real King George VI greeting a pig in 1942.

George VI: The Reluctant King Don't fail to click on these wonderful photos of the King from infancy. There are 28 pictures in all and believe me, you are in for a real treat. I never knew how much Prince Charles takes after his grandfather before seeing these great vintage photos from Life Magazine.

Hummingbird at The Cottage

I have two hummingbird feeders hanging from my balcony railing but never seem to have my camera handy at the right time. I was too far away from this one sipping nectar from a lamb's ear down below yesterday but at least I can prove they are around. Here is a recipe for hummingbird feeder nectar.

Kitchen Still Life for A Sunday Morning

It's sometimes nice to treat yourself like company and go all out preparing a Sunday morning breakfast, isn't it? I am about 90% caught up on my mowing thankfully because it was a stormy night and it's still raining right now. I just have hand trimming left. Webster and I were outside until dark racing to rake the front 'hayfield' before calling it quits. I do manage to get things done in my own way alternating between being way behind and having everything absolutely perfect, stubborn country girl that I am. Enjoy your holiday weekend Sunday. xo


Saturday, July 2, 2011

On The Beach | Literally

This is my favorite kind of place to stay. Teleport me there NOW.

Statue of Liberty Dedicated July 4, 1886

On July 4, 1886, the Statute of Liberty, a present from the people of France, is dedicated in New York Harbor, exactly two years after it was first presented as a gift from the French to the U.S. in Paris.

Life Magazine: It Happened on the Fourth of July.

Don't Forget The Sunscreen

We humans have to be extra careful when we take naps in the sun. Don't forget to wear your sunglasses and use lots of sunscreen this weekend.


Jenny Wren and Wild Berries

Two of my favorite things about summer.

I have several families of house wrens that sing to me the whole day through. I don't have any blackberries but do have tons of raspberries. Original painting by Carl Whitfield

I hope you are enjoying your favorite things too. xo

Friday, July 1, 2011

Have a Charming Weekend

" 'Tis the star-spangled banner,
Oh! long may it wave,
O'er the land of the free,
And the home of the brave. "

Perfect Symmetry in France

Aix-en-Provence, France
11 bedrooms, 8.5 baths, 6,450 sq. ft., $22 million

Pedigree: Situated amid a nature preserve just minutes from the city center, this stately vineyard château was constructed over the course of the 17th and 18th centuries for French nobility. Its historic interiors have yet to be restored, but the formal gardens are poised for leisurely promenades, thanks to the scenic axes, symmetrical boxwood parterres, and romantic fountains.

Property Values: An orangerie, chapel, stable turned garage, and caretaker’s house also occupy the 57-acre grounds, more than half of which are planted with government-certified vines with an annual 100,000-bottle yield of red and rosé.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Amazing Library Staircase and Balcony Surrounds

Round and round I go. Where I'll stop, nobody knows. Those pierced metal stairs look pretty tricky so I'll hold tight to the handrail. I have no idea where this library is located, but it's pretty amazing, isn't it? UPDATE: A reader identified this as the Law Library at the State Library of Iowa at the Des Moines, Iowa Capitol Building. Thank you!

Will You Summer in New England?

Vintage Travel Poster promoting The New Haven Railroad from the collection of the Boston Public Library. Great graphics.

Blue Door to A Secret Garden

I wish the arched blue door opening to a secret garden were open a little wider so I could see beyond the delphiniums. 

Pet Hammock | Webster Wants One

Have you ever seen a more comfortable looking animal? I think not. Are you going to order a Pet Lounge for your favorite animal? Webster would love this but I have no more floor space. Let me know if you place an order for your lucky dog.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tea Towel Farmers Market Bags | DIY

Use tea towels and twine to make produce bags to take to the farmers market. Dirty vegetables? No problem. Just turn inside out, give them a shake or two and throw the bags in with the laundry. Such a great eco-friendly idea. via Green Wellies

Dancing With The Stars | Audrey Hepburn

Dancing Lesson. Date unknown. Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993). We still miss her.*

Cottage Love

I like them both for obvious reasons. The first one is probably more 'me' because of the style and location. All it needs is a flag flying from the pole on the balcony. I am a little discouraged today because of my jungle thanks to all the recent rain and would welcome a no-upkeep lawn. I am already way behind just looking at the second cottage.

American Flag on Weathered Gray Siding

I love patriotic holidays requiring lots of flags on houses. Doesn't old glory look grand hanging on the gable end of this charming old house? Nantucket? Martha's Vineyard? Cape Cod? Where?

I can't believe the year is almost half over and July 4th is right around the corner. It's nice that it falls on a Monday so everyone will have a long weekend. It is supposed to be the most popular vacation week of the whole year. Will you decorate your house? via

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Very Cute Puppy

I think this is an English Bulldog pup but I can't be sure. Whatever the breed, this little one looks adorable with the black bow tie around his neck. via

Mark Twain Forever

The United States Postal Service has released their new Mark Twain stamp. It lasts 'forever' so you needn't worry about a price increase for this first class stamp. I love it and think I'll buy a sheet even though I don't use many stamps these days thanks to online bill pay.

You will enjoy seeing the other authors that have been honored around the world with their images on commemorative stamps in this article: Mark Twain and Beyond: Literary Stamp Collecting

It's Not Easy Being Green

...unless you are a painted kitchen floor. I like it, don't you?
More painted floors here.

Only in Paris

...can you find gardens this amazing.

Beautiful Country Morning

Wishing you a beautiful country morning. A bowl of raspberries on the windowsill would just be the icing on the cake, wouldn't it? Especially if you picked them yourself. I can never manage to bring any home since I eat them on the spot at the edge of the woods. I can't wait until they begin to ripen.*