Thursday, August 11, 2011

Old Fans in My Cottage

This one oscillates almost all the time in the living room. I even have it going when the central air is turned on to move the air around the room. Nothing moves the air like those old metal blades.

This one is in my bedroom and it is as heavy as lead. It also can move the air like nobody's business. I rarely sleep with it on though. I just cool the room down before I jump in bed. 

This one is in the computer room/studio on the third floor. All of the fans have dusty blades right now. I usually clean them very well and give them a drop of oil before I put them away for the winter. I always know where they are in case I burn something in the kitchen and have to grab one to blow the smoke out the window.

They are getting harder and harder to find as you can well imagine. They don't make them like this anymore.

I should work on mine and get them all dusted off and shined up like this one.

Another Conservatory to Love

This appears to be a very traditional conservatory attached to a very modern house. If and when I find out more I'll update the post. I think it's empty too. 

Very Sweet Cottage All Decked Out For Fall

It's coming. I can feel it in the air. The morning dew is so wet I have to wear boots to walk the dogs. I am so not ready. I am trying with all my might to savor August because when it's gone the year just flies by. The next thing you know it will be Labor Day and then all the stores will be pushing Halloween. I know it's a great time of year but I'm still hanging on to summer. How about you?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Toy Tiger Makes Such A Good Pillow

Pretty soon I'm going to find a toy tiger to tuck under my head at the close of a very busy day. I keep this special toy here for Piggy's visits. He loves it and generous Webster is always willing to share. Sleep tight. I'll see you in the morning.

Repurposed Old Door into A Coffee Table

Here is another old door that is now being used as a Coffee Table.  I'm glad to see they didn't try to disguise it but left on the old hardware instead. Here is another one now being used as a desk.

Piggy's Back | French Bulldog

Piggy is roughing it at my house. When I picked him up last night his own home was as cold as a walk-in cooler. We have our a/c turned off so he will just have to adjust his internal thermostat. Webster is thrilled to have his bestie back.

William Shakespeare Library Quote

“Knowing I loved my books, he furnish’d me
From mine own library with volumes that
I prize above my dukedom.”
William Shakespeare

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wonderful Bookshop Sign

You see the nicest signs in used bookshops, don't you? This is the Paradox Bookstore (please click on the link and read) 2228 Market Street in Wheeling West Virginia.

Missing Socks

This made me smile :)

Is this a

bed in the office or an office in the bedroom? I could never have my office in my bedroom because it would make me do paperwork in my sleep. I wouldn't mind having a bed in my office though :)

I love the room with its beautiful windows and I love drafting table desks and flat files. 

Busy day for me today. I have to do an open house at my listing after my office meeting. I put the signs out last night so I am a little ahead of the game. See you later.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Bed by the Window

My virtual bedroom for tonight. I love the deep windowsill that serves as an extra bedside table. Wouldn't it be fun to wake up and see a water view the very minute you opened your eyes?

A Seaside House

A beautiful house by the sea at dusk with the lights on inside. I love the many places to look out at the surroundings. I think I'd like to be in the gazebo room on the third level rather than the widow's walk. I'd feel safer know me and my fear of heights. The a/c is on full blast in my house as of about an hour ago. It's so hot outside.

Most Beautiful Poolhouse EVER

Seriously, this is the most beautiful poolhouse I've ever seen. It's one of the few that might actually be used after the pool is closed. I love this use for a conservatory. The interior looks wonderful. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Cottage | Entrance After Weeding

My cottage from front driveway. There is a small room to the left that sits back with a white picket fence that doesn't show in this photo.

The area that is down to the dirt was a tangled mess of weeds, crabgrass, forget-me-nots gone to seed, buttercups, variegated pineapple mint and who knows what else. Note to self: pull up the forgetmenots next spring immediately after they begin to look like weeds. I usually do this but this year I did not and they had turned into wire mesh hairnets. I'll definitely have an unwanted bumper crop next year.

I wish it would stay just like this but I can see that the buttercups are already coming right back. They like to play hopscotch and see how fast they can take over an area where they are unwanted.

I haven't tackled around the bend yet. These weeds come up very easily so I will do that area when I clip the boxwood.

This is the only thing I like. I bought 4 small plants of this ground cover at a garden club plant sale around Mothers Day. It has spread wonderfully and I only wish I'd bought more. It's more like a turf that weeds can't permeate. I've weeded so much there is hardly any soil left and it is a step down. This is nice when there is snow on the walk. I can just push it aside.

Here is the plant marker I saved for the Laurentia. It was covered with the sweetest little lilac flowers in May, June and July. Only a few remain. I'm going to look for more locally or order some from this place next spring.

Vintage Royalty - England

Don't you love the old photos?

Lazy Sunday Morning

This adorable photo should get your Sunday morning off to a happy start. It rained all night here at the cottage and it's still very overcast and we'll probably get more. I woke up this morning planning my nap. I think I'll take my cue from the bulldog and the kitten and have it on the sofa later this afternoon. Enjoy your Sunday.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Lovely Urban Garden

Small is the new big. Isn't this garden in the city beautiful?

Red Poppies

So very beautiful. Poppies are my favorite flowers.

Big Ben

I thought this was a fabulous photo of Big Ben and a very unusual perspective. My day at the cottage feels very London-like. Overcast, cool and breezy. A perfect day for working outdoors. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Twig Bed on A Sleeping Porch

This looks heavenly to me. A twig tester bed outfitted with a Hudson's Bay point blanket and pillows on a sleeping porch. I've chosen this room as my virtual bedroom for the whole weekend. Hope you have a great one too. I know I will.

Living Simply

Are you currently enjoying a simpler life or do you yearn for one?

Chintz Love

The world just looks better when viewed between vintage chintz draperies with roses, doesn't it?

Green Shutters in France

Pink and green at its best.
Happy Friday -- get ready for the weekend.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Open Air Home Office

Don't you absolutely love this open air home office? Can you see this in your future? It's beyond charming in my book. image