Friday, December 24, 2010

Architecture + Christmas Lights = Beautiful

I've never seen a more beautiful photograph of an architectural masterpiece outlined with Christmas lights. via I'm a total failure in this department. Mine are in a big wad in a bag in the closet.

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Christmas Eve Morning Breakfast

This hearty breakfast should take me through until lunch. Bottom layer is half a banana sliced, topped with steel cut oats cooked with black raisins, topped with whole milk European style yogurt from Trader Joe's, topped with pomegranate seeds. It was delicious. My mother loved hers too. See you later.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Little Last-Minute Shopping

Even Santa isn't finished so don't feel bad if you still have gifts to buy. via

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Merry Christmas from A Little Bird

I took this photo last year of a little house wren peeking from one of my bird boxes. I added the Christmas overlay to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas.

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Windmill ~ North Rhine Germany

Such a wonderful photo: Windmill ~ Vlotho, North Rhine, Germany via

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Skarhamn, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden

This spot looks beautiful any time of day, doesn't it? I've never been to Sweden but I enjoy armchair travels there. I'm pretty refreshed and feeling powerful today since I slept the clock around last night. See you later.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter in Belgium

This winter scene in Belgium looks like a picture postcard, doesn't it? Photographed by Albena Markova

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Two Borzoi Snow Dogs

Which one is the snow clone? Will the real Borzoi please bark? via

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Presents on The Christmas Tree

I love wonderful illustrations of vintage Christmases. These children are reaching and/or waiting their turn to pick a present from the tree ~ circa 1924. Scanned from my book A Christmas Blessing.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dog Wishing For A Bigger Stocking

I can only imagine what Webster is thinking. "What's the use of being a good dog all year if your stocking is this small?"

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Dog in Deep Snow

Be careful when you go outside if you are in an area that has deep snow. This pup looks pretty happy but I don't think he'd relish being out there for very long. Hopefully there's a roaring fire awaiting his arrival back home.

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A Horse for Christmas

I've always loved this vintage Christmas card. I'm happy this little girl got her horse from Santa.

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Unwanted Christmas Surprise

Norman Rockwell at his best.

I woke up this morning at 4:53 and the moon looked the same so I missed the lunar eclipse completely. Luckily it wasn't depending on me and the show in the night sky happened anyway.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Lunar Eclipse Overnight Tonight

North America and the western portion of South America will be treated to a rare total lunar eclipse in the early morning hours of December 21. I will look out the window if I wake up in the wee small hours of the morning because the moon might look like this. It is coinciding with the December 21st Winter Solstice or the first day of winter or my dear departed brother's birthday.

If you want an astronomer's description of what will be happening click here.

Country Girl from Maryland posted a great simple slideshow animation for the layman; it only lasts a few seconds. Watch it and you'll understand what is going to happen perfectly.

I just got back from walking Webster and it's as clear as a bell here in New Jersey. It is going to be spectacular. I heard a man on TV telling everyone to look for Orion's belt near the moon. I loved finding the constellations when I was a kid. Let me know if you stay up and watch it.

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My Christmas Tree with The New Sofa

I put up my tree over the weekend in another location from previous years thanks to the new sofa. The Christmas tree doesn't look very spectacular in this photo but you'll just have to take my word for it when I say it looks nice. I'll keep trying to get a better photo and will post it when I'm successful.

This was the year I added the wooden cranberry beads.

My tree shows up better in the photographs when it was against the wall.

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Christmas Morning Long Ago

All is calm in this house. The boy is engrossed in his book and has lined up his wooden soldiers. His mother is sitting in a lovely chintz covered chair with an opened gift on her lap. Santa has come and gone. I'd love to know more about this painting, wouldn't you? via

The countdown to Christmas has begun. Can you hear the clock ticking in the back of your head? I can. See you later.

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