Saturday, September 22, 2012

Antiquarian Books and Prints

They are always perfect together, especially in such a lovely bookcase. I plan to reply to the comments left on various blog posts over the past two days this weekend. via

Friday, September 21, 2012

Panorama of My Living Room

I just updated my one year old iPhone 4S software to IOS 6 and now I can take panorama photos just like the new iPhone 5! I'm having so much fun. Starting with my fireplace on the left and panning to the right you see almost 3 complete walls and the hallway leading to my bedroom. 
I worked so hard outside yesterday I was a zombie all day today. I needed this diversion to perk me up. Have a great weekend. See you tomorrow.

Look Down When You Walk

You never know what you might find. My iPhone photo snapped this afternoon on a walk with Webster and my mom.

Amazingly Delicious Baked Chicken

Mix 1/2 cup sour cream with 1/4 cup parmesan cheese.
Spread over chicken breast in a baking dish.
Sprinkle Italian bread crumbs on top. 
I made this two days ago and it was amazing. I used the frozen chicken tenders from Costco. I did not defrost them first. I had a wedge of hard Italian cheese in the fridge and I coarsely grated it with my box grater. I used one cup of sour cream and about 3/4 cup of cheese. I didn't have any Italian bread crumbs so I crumbled a big piece of left over cornbread and it was perfect. I cooked at 400 since the chicken was frozen and I extended the cooking time. I just kept checking until I thought it was done. This was honestly the best chicken I have ever tasted. I found it on Pinterest. Original recipe here.

Storybook Cottage

Goodness.Gracious.Alive -- This is too good to be true. Have you ever seen anything more enchanting? I have not! via

Tree Silhouette

The Tree of Life by Norby on Flickr via Jersey Lady on Pinterest

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Autumn Leaf

Just a beautiful leaf on a shrub turning to show it's autumn colors.
my iPhone photo

Colonial Christmas

I bought a fabulous book at a house sale over the weekend that was originally $60.00 and I got it for $7.00. I'm sure it's out of print -- American Home From Colonial Simplicity to the Modern Adventure by Wendell Garrett, David Larkin and Michael Webb. It's a big fat volume and I love leafing through it. I took this lovely photo with my iPhone. There will be more from time to time. I'm rushing around this morning because I have a helper coming and we are going to work outside all day long. See you later. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

William Morris Wallpaper

I love this pattern. Wallpaper by William Morris called “Marigold”. via

Spectacular Art Deco Owl

Wonderful Art Deco Owl above the door of the center reading room on the fifth floor, Library of Congress John Adams Building, Washington, D.C. Owls and libraries go together perfectly, don't they? via

Elegant Entrance

Isn't this the most elegant entrance you've seen in ages? It's an example of fine woodworking at its best.  via

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This is such a sweet peaceful photo. I'm on my way to clean the kitchen so I can get in bed and watch TV. See you tomorrow. via

Red Velvet Dog

Webster would never do anything like this at least I don't think he would. It appears to be all in a day's work for this hilarious dog. via Dog Shaming

Antiquarian Books Still Life

All of my favorite things in one photo that looks like a painting. via

Ivy Under Control

I'm sure there is a lot of clipping involved to keep this nice ivy arch maintained. The whole scene is perfectly lovely! via

Monday, September 17, 2012

Brooke Astor's Dog Paintings

Side staircase in the late Brooke Astor’s Westchester, NY estate, Holly Hill. I wonder if these wonderful dog paintings are in the auction on September 24 and 25? All copies of the Sotheby's printed catalog have been sold. I found a few of her dog items here. Photo above found here.

Beautiful Bookplate

Ex-libris by Alphonse Inoue designed for Yoshiki Yamamoto. Alphonse Inoue is the pseudonym of a Japanese artist, known for his sensuous bookplates. via

Morning Dew

This beautiful photo inspires me to keep weeding to make way for something beautiful. I wish I knew the name of this plant with leaves that capture the dew drops in such a lovely way. Happy Monday! via

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Virginia Creeper

The Virginia Creeper vines are starting to turn red, a sure sign of autumn. I made a real dent in my weeding this weekend and did a big mowing from the road to the rear all yesterday afternoon. Weeding is being done piecemeal so I don't burn myself out. That job is somewhat demoralizing if you know what I mean.
my photo

floating Ivy

Look carefully and you will see the tiny roots on the ivy just waiting to attach to something. It is very determined!
my photo