Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Will You Cut Your Own Tree?

I used to have a grove of Christmas trees like this that I planted from seedlings. I let friends cut their own and certain plantsmen dug and replanted them. It was a great way to farm the land at my former home. This will be my 4th or 5th year with an artificial tabletop tree. I'll show it to you when I put it up. via

The Elephant and The Watering Cans

Confused elephant wondering, "Are these my relatives?" via

The Chickens and The Underwear

This made me laugh. The shadows are much more graphic than the laundry hanging in the courtyard.

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Have you any wool? via

by Mother Goose
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for my master,
One for my dame,
And one for the little boy
That lives in our lane.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Seamstress's Prayer

”...As the pieces come together, help me sew seams that are straight, so that nothing tears apart or unravels; and when it does, show me where and how to patch with just the right touch...”
The Seamstress’s Prayer by Jay Hanley

Interior Shots at My Cottage

Nothing monumental....I just liked the way the sun was shining on an antique splint basket early this morning. The wire basket underneath is filled with fire wood.

A client gave me this iron pot rack. I already have one in my kitchen so I put this one in the living room and I find it to be very handy and it doesn't take up much space.

A closeup of the titles of a few antiques reference books.

Dogs Barking Jingle Bells -- Video

I hope this canine chorus makes your day like it did mine :)

Floating Christmas Tree

How lovely!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pony and Cat -- Stable Friends Forever

You know how much I love interspecies friendships! The pony clearly loves this cat and vice versa. via

Snow in Central Park

Bow Bridge, Central Park on a snowy winter's day.

Frosty Morning iPhone Pics at My Cottage

It is finally frigid here at the cottage. I ran outside in my bathrobe in my sock feet and quickly snapped some frosty images with my trusty iPhone. As you know from my previous posts, it has been unseasonably warm here...thus the little yellow buttercup.

The birdbath is frozen solid. This photo is my favorite.

Even weeds look beautiful under the cover of a morning frost.

Lamb's ears are fun to photograph with or without frost. I love their fuzzy leaves.

A Royal Nap

Are you smiling yet? I can't tell you how much I love this photo of 'The 11th Duke of Devonshire taking a nap in the Lower Library of Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, circa 1995' Shot by Christopher Sykes. I love peeking into the private lives of English Royalty.  via

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Great Easy Tutorial for DIY Paper Stars

I can't wait to make some of these out of brown paper. You could use wrapping paper, security paper, recycled paper. Almost anything. Contrasting colors would be good too.

Super easy tutorial HERE. Almost like origami only these stars require glue. Have fun.

An Important Royal Christening

The christening of H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. The sitters in this vintage postcard are T.M. King George and Queen Mary, T.R.H. The Duke and Duchess of York and Infant Princess. Such a happy day. via

English Country House

I never tire of the English countryside, do you? via

Friday, December 9, 2011

Full Moon Tonight | 12.09.11 | Goodnight Moon

Go out side and look at the full moon. It's beautiful. I zoomed in on it with my iPhone, stuck my head out the attic window, and clicked the shutter. I'll try this same shot in a couple of weeks and see if I can manage to get Santa flying by with his reindeer pulling that sleigh full of toys for good girls and boys.