Saturday, June 26, 2021

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

This adorable photo makes me sleepy just to look at it. I love the dog and the chintz fabric on the sofa and pillow. Here's hoping you have a lazy first weekend of summer. I feel a nap coming on later. xo

Friday, June 25, 2021

One Poppy per Day

There are a lot of Snapseed edits in my photo of a single poppy after a rain. I forgot to sow my saved poppy seeds and only one plant reseeded itself this year. I have a seed packet to sow in the fall or very early spring. Have a great weekend.
xo, Rosemary

Anne Hathaway's Cottage, wife of Shakespeare

The cottage of William Shakespeare's wife, Anne Hathaway. This photo couldn't be lovelier, could it? via From the late 1580s, William Shakespeare started to divide his time between Stratford-upon-Avon and London; his family and professional lives. Shakespeare's wife and children remained in Stratford and he made most of his financial investments in his home town.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Moon Tonight at My Cottage

This iPhone photo doesn't capture the beauty of tonight's moon but here it is anyway. I added a filter to make it look like a vintage photo and I like it. I mowed two days ago and tomorrow I shall do the front. So as the story book says, "Goodnight Moon" and I'm off to my bedroom. xo

This is the original photo before editing with SNAPSEED, a free App that is amazingly powerful. I decreased the highlights, increased the ambiance and I probably decreased the exposure too. I used "healing" to get rid of the white dot at the base of the trees that is a bluebird house. I used healing to get rid of the dead branches slightly above he bird house.  I used "Vintage" to get the old-fashioned photo feel. I will look for a tutorial online to help you with Snapseed. It's available on Google Play and Apple App Store. The iPhone has built-in photo editing that is great too. I sometimes start there and finish on Snapseed. xo

I found a 15-minute YouTube Video Tutorial that will teach you on how to use SNAPSEED to edit the photos on your phone.

After watching the video, I added another edit with Snapseed using Curves and got a sky I like better. xo


Monday, June 21, 2021

Stunning Architecture

So much to love in one photo. I just finished three hours of mowing so I can appreciate this lawn and simple plantings that do not detract from the architecture. via