Monday, December 8, 2014

Delightful Paris Scenes by Dominique Corbasson

Thanks to JudyMac for making me do more research.

The Christmas Tree in yesterday's post was indeed in Paris. This illustrator is new to me and I love her work.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Proper Gentleman's Bathroom

I've never seen a shaving mirror like this and I love it. It's perfectly placed under the fanlight window. The sconces are perfect too. Don't you wish we could see the rest of this beautifully appointed room? via

Let a Pile of Sleeping Dachshunds Lie

Too cute for words. Don't they look happy? I might take a short nap too. via

Great Kitchen Before and After

Before -- A great old Chambers stove in a horrible kitchen.

After: -- WOW. The homeowner kept the kitchen's old Chambers stove and cabinets—now improved with new fronts and a coat of Benjamin Moore's Patriotic White—but jettisoned the Formica counters and dark backsplash in favor of marble and white subway tiles.
More fabulous before and after photos of many different projects here.
Have a great weekend! xo

Friday, December 5, 2014

Beautiful Tree Lined Road with Snow

This is so lovely. My favorite kind of with a cathedral of trees. via

Beatrix Potter Rabbits' Christmas Party - The Departure

I'm so excited that I found another watercolor I haven't seen before illustrating the Rabbits' Christmas Party by Beatrix Potter.
This one shows a big rabbit lighting the way with a lit candle as the guests put on their coats and depart.

See all the other illustrations for the Rabbits' Christmas Party in my 2009 original blog post about it here. I am so happy to see the end of the party. Somehow, Beatrix Potter and Christmas are perfect together. Enjoy! xo

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Beatrix Potter and Her Belgian Rabbit named Benjamin

I don't think I've ever seen this wonderful winter image by Beatrix Potter dated 1894. via

Or this one either from Sotheby's. There is a sweet story about the real bunny who was the inspiration for Benjamin Bunny. 

Benjamin Bouncer was a Belgian rabbit and was the first of Beatrix Potter's pet rabbits. He was acquired around 1885. She bought him from a London pet shop and brought him home in a paper bag.

This never-before-seen Victorian photograph shows the real Belgian rabbit who inspired Beatrix Potter's famous character Benjamin Bunny.
Benjamin Bouncer is pictured here in the late 1880s or early 1890s. He would later become Benjamin Bunny in Beatrix Potter's novels. She said he was very tame and clever. Read more about him in a great story in The Daily Mail. I never tire of reading about her and I love finding new artwork and photos to share with all of you. 

Beatrix Potter shown here with a pet dog. I don't recall ever seeing any of her artwork with dogs though I've seen many photos of her with them. Enjoy the article. xo

And the Cat too.

This is my life and I'm not complaining. via

Wonderful Kitchen in White

Wow. It's wonderful. Love the table and stools too. And the windows, cabinets, shelves, floor, sink and anything I might have missed. Simply charming! via

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

European Retreat in Denmark

See more of this bathroom in a European Retreat in Denmark here. Use the arrows. I don't think I would have the nerve to turn on the shower with no enclosure. 

His Name is Sammy

Isn't this puppy adorable? I'm sure he's going to have a great first Christmas. I couldn't resist posting this bundle of brown cuteness to get your day off to a good start. Sammy by Christian Vieler

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lake House in the Snow

What a beautiful photo. It captures the quiet and stillness of the idyllic scene perfectly. It must be the first snow of the season because the water isn't frozen. My snow has melted and I'm glad. Have a great evening and I'll see you tomorrow. via

Several Things that Caught My Eye Today

I love these tilted wire baskets. via

Unusual plumbing job. via

Another unusual plumbing job. via

Monday, December 1, 2014

Starry Lights

I like these, don't you? I love driving after dark looking inside at Christmas decorations. It's that time of year! I haven't done anything except get my wreath out of the garage loft. It started to rain the minute I got to the house so it's on the kitchen table. Have a great evening. xo

House Tour in The Hamptons

I love the farm table in lieu of an island.

I love this arrangement of twin beds and the wallpaper too.

The hedges in the Hamptons are like no other. Tour the rest of this delightful summer home via Lonny Magazine here.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bunny Mellon's NYC Townhouse

The 11,100-square-foot, 14-room townhouse at 125 East 70th Street, built in 1965 by banking heir Paul Mellon and his wife, horticulturist Bunny Mellon, is under contract with an asking price of $46 million. Sotheby's is the listing agent. The contents were in the recent auction of Bunny Mellon's personal belongings. I recognize some of the interior pieces from the auction catalog here. There are many more photos of this lovely townhouse here showing more of her exquisite town and country taste. I'm not a jewelry person but for those of you who are, see her auction of jewels and objects of vertu here.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

Wall of Cupboards with Glass Doors

This looks amazing, doesn't it?
There's no such thing as "out of sight, out of mind" with all of your finery displayed in plain sight here. Every house needs a wall like this! Found on Google Images
Have a great Holiday weekend and enjoy the leftovers. xo

The Holly and The Ivy

Isn't this a stunning image? found here
Let the Christmas preparations begin.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Vintage Thanksgiving with Grandparents

Here's my annual trip down memory land honoring the good old days and Norman Rockwell.

Happy Thanksgiving from my cottage to your table. 
Have a thankful day.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Are you ready for the big day tomorrow? I'm pretty tuckered out from shoveling the heavy wet snow so I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow after it freezes overnight. I've certainly gotten my share of exercise in the form of hard work this week. Enjoy your day with family and friends tomorrow and eat as much as you can. xo via

Pink Tea Cup: Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Liz Smith featured this recipe in the New York Social Diary:

2 lbs. yams
½ cup of butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ginger
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
3 large eggs, separated
½ cup orange juice
1 tablespoon grated orange rind
½ cup of evaporated milk

Peel and boil yams until mashable. Add butter, spices, salt, sugar to hot yams. Beat until light and smooth.
Beat egg yolks until light and add to mixture.
Stir in orange juice, orange rind and milk. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold in.
Pour mixture into unbaked pie shell. Preheat oven to 350 and bake 35 minutes or until the pie puffs up and is firm in the middle. Cool on a rack.

Add whipped cream. Dig in Pilgrims!
Sounds good, doesn't it? Yum.

It's Snowing As Predicted

We don't have ice yet because it's too warm. Yes, you can have snow even if it's 36° and I'm not at all happy about it for all the travelers going home for Thanksgiving. Mother Nature is showing her bad side once again. Be careful if you have to go out. See you later. xo cardinal on icy branch

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Clouds in the Moonlight

Have a great evening. I did too much yesterday and hardly anything today.
Cloudy Study, Moonlight - 1860 by Albert Bierstadt, American Painter via