Friday, September 10, 2010

Outside Bathing Tub and Shower

I'd love to have a deep tub outside so I could give Webster his last bath of the summer.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hedge Maze at Chatsworth | English Country Manord

If you don't go to the auction, you can tour the gardens at Chatsworth.
Maze at Chatsworth

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Auction Treasures from Chatsworth, England's Most Famous Country Estate

REMINDER: On October 5–7 Sotheby's will stage what amounts to the world's most luxurious yard sale at Chatsworth. Full article ~ Auction Treasures from Chatsworth, England's Most Famous Country Estate This is going to be a spectacular sale. Are you going? View Slideshow. See my other blog posts about Chatsworth.

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Gardens in Late Summer

My late summer garden looks awful this year. The summer in NJ was brutal this year. A friend sent me an article from The New York Times today just in time for this post. Thanks Marybeth. I was glad to get a new recipe for a homemade weedkiller. I can't wait to try it. Click on the following link to read more.
In the Garden - Use Old Newspapers to Kill Weeds - NYTimes
"Try spritzing weeds while they are still sprouts with this homemade solution: a gallon of vinegar mixed with 2 tablespoons canola oil (other oils will gum up the sprayer head) and 1 tablespoon liquid Ivory dish detergent."

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Enter The Secret Garden

There are so many wonderful Secret Gardens out there. I love the entrance to this one via. Have a great evening or morning depending on your time zone. See you tomorrow.

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Publish Post

Best Blogs of 2010 | Time Magazine

This should keep you busy for a while. Best Blogs of 2010 - TIME

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Teleport Me To This Place | Please

Doesn't this look like the perfect Outdoor Sanctuary? I wish I could just snap my fingers and be there for a while. It's perfectly beautiful, isn't it?

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Poor and Content | Shakespeare

I've always loved this quote by William Shakespeare.

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Bah! This House is Overpriced!

I'm off to my weekly office meeting this morning. Summer's over. Boo Hoo.
via: rosemarybeck (my real estate website)

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Tulips in the Meat Grinder

Wouldn't it be great if you could get tulips this easily? That's my kind of gardening. via Pixdaus

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Very Nicely Arranged Interior

I love everything in this photo, don't you. I'd have to have the chaise coming off the other end so I could lie back and watch my tiny TV in total comfort. The trunk makes a great coffee table too.

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Wonderful Phrenology Head Graphic

I scanned this fabulous Phrenology Head from a newspaper years and years ago when I got my first scanner which is probably considered to be an antique by now. You can see the text bleeding through from the reverse side of the newsprint. It's the best one I've ever seen and I always look for them. I sold this porcelain head recently.

Poppy Field with Beautiful Sky

I hope your day is as beautiful as this photo.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Two Crowned Cranes | Coming and Going

A pair of crowned cranes earn the nickname 'heads and tails' as one turns its head away from the camera at the Biopark Zoo in Valencia, Spain. They are beautiful birds, aren't they? Real head turners!

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Nothing To Do Is No Fun

This great quote came across my screen one day recently in my subscription to Quotes of the Day on my iGoogle page. It's so true, isn't it? Get ready for a crazy week beginning Tuesday.

Great Poster.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Orangutan Cuddles Two Baby Lion Cubs in South Carolina

"Orangutan Hanama cuddles two baby lion cubs as he plays dad to the young pair. The three-year-old giant ape forged the unlikely relationship with male cubs Skukuza and Simh at Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina" So cute! Animal pictures of the week

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Beautiful Closet Doors

I love the addition of louvers on these closet doors. They would be great in a mudroom so each family member could have a vented "locker" to hide their mess.

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