Friday, October 12, 2012

Bobtail Sheep Dog Hiding in Plain Sight

This made me laugh. I love the expression on the dog's face and the sheep appear to really be fooled, don't they. via

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nice Tree Bark

I took this photo when Webster and I had our dog duty with his two little friends a few weeks ago. I loved the shadows on the bark of this old tree. We have bright sun and crisp cool air outside here at the cottage today. Our town is giving free flu shots this afternoon and that's the only thing on my calendar. The grass in the front needs a good mowing so I'll fire up the push mower after the morning dew evaporates. See you later. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

In The Clouds

The most beautiful photo I've ever seen!
by Jose Juaquin Perez via

Vintage Photo of an Egg-Scraping Party

WOW...Look at the lengths these brave men with their tall ladders are taking to control an insect. Early efforts to eradicate gypsy moths included "egg-scraping parties" to remove egg masses before the larvae hatched. See other archival photos here.

When The Frost Is On The Padlock

This looks a hoar frost. I wish I could see one in person. via Mother Nature can be so very artistic when the conditions are just right, can't she?

Real Live Stuffed Animals

Have you EVER seen anything more adorable? Tell me please what they are. I want one! via
Update: I found out and if I ever go to Switzerland I want to pet (not eat) one. The Valais Blacknose is a breed of domestic sheep originating in the Valais region. It is a coarse-wooled breed from Switzerland kept primarily for meat. Both rams and ewes are horned.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Cutest Kitchen

I adore this kitchen with almost no counter space, don't you. I love that rolling accordion trolley as a sink base too. You will definitely enjoy seeing more of this New Hampshire Lake Cabin via Country Living with lots of before and after photos in the slideshow.

Green Leaves and Red Berries

I'm happy the birds still have plenty to eat in the form of wild berries here at the cottage. These colors look a lot like Christmas, don't they?

Leaves with spots

I don't know if we are going to have a beautiful fall with lots of color this year or not. There seems to be a total lack of red. Just green, yellow, brown, and then they fall to the ground. So many of the leaves have this spotted disease too. We shall see. There is a light rain this morning and Webster got his walk so I don't have to feel guilty today when I leave for my office meeting and my very own open house. See you later. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Mushroom Is Getting BIGGER

The mushroom is now bigger than the ball. I took this iPhone yesterday on the last walk of the day with Webster. I have been soooooo busy with paperwork for a new real estate listing and taking photos for the MLS that I haven't even walked poor Webster at all today. It is almost 9pm and I'm going out with him now. My poor mother has been letting him out for me. I have an open house tomorrow so I'll be busy until afternoon and then things should go on auto-pilot. I always work very hard to get everything done before the listing goes live but couldn't get the interior photos until today because of work being done inside. I just uploaded them so I can relax and watch some TV after the walk.
See you tomorrow....maybe.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Goodnight Moon

I took this from my balcony several days ago when the moon was beautiful and the sky was dark. It looked much better in person. Goodnight everyone. Hope you have a nice weekend.

The hand-carved surround with acanthus leaves and beading is an absolutely beautiful architectural element for this door knob, isn't it? The patina on the door is pretty wonderful too. via

Saturday, October 6, 2012

White Clapboard Beauty

This white on white traditional home is absolutely beautiful, isn't it? via Have a great weekend!

Giant Mushroom at My Cottage

Even though it's a smaller than normal basketball, you've got to admit this is a big mushroom we have growing here at the cottage. Photographed yesterday while walking the dogs and playing kickball in the afternoon. 

Connecticut Center Chimney Colonial

Isn't this the most perfect center chimney colonial you've ever seen? The house, the setting, the plantings - just wonderful. via

Friday, October 5, 2012

Martha Stewart's Cooking School on PBS

Just in time for the upcoming holiday season, Martha will be teaching us to cook on Sundays on PBS. This is great for those who never had access to her daily show on the Hallmark Channel on cable TV. PBS to the rescue.

Click here if you are unable to view this preview of her upcoming show. She's teaching how to make hollandaise sauce in a segment about eggs.

Week By Week Episode Guide via Martha Moments.

Afternoon Walk w/ My Mom + Dogs

My mother holding Henry's leash while I took their picture.

Where did Webster go?

There he is hiding behind the chairs. Everybody went to bed for a nap when we got back except me. What a beautiful fall day it has been.

PBS Statement Regarding October 3, 2012 Presidential Debate

PBS Responds To Romney:
Cutting Federal Funding Would Have ‘Virtually No Impact’ On the Deficit -- The federal investment in public broadcasting equals about one one-hundredth of one percent (0.0001%) of the federal budget. Elimination of funding would have virtually no impact on the nation’s debt, yet the loss to the American public would be devastating.
Read full statement from PBS here.

This is a follow-up to my earlier blog post.

Meet Henry

This is our little house guest for a few days. He goes home late this afternoon. Henry is a picky eater but I finally figured out his problem. His food is tasteless! Sooooooo, I've been doctoring it up. This morning I poured hot soy milk left over from my latte over his cold wet food from the fridge and I mixed some of Webster's kibble along with the awful stuff he brought. Henry became a member of the 'Clean Plate Club' for the very first time ever this morning! See that wagging tail? I think he wants more.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

iPad Apps: History Lessons on the iPad

What's wrong with this picture? It's pretty daunting to think about what our forefathers achieved with a quill pen and a bottle of ink, isn't it?
Edward BIDDLE (1738-1779) uncle of Richard Biddle, a Delegate from Pennsylvania; born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1738; entered the provincial army as an ensign in 1754, promoted to lieutenant and captain, and served until 1763, when he resigned; studied law; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Reading, Pa.; member of the State assembly 1767-1775, serving as speaker in 1774; member of the provincial convention held at Philadelphia in 1775; again a member of the State assembly in 1778; Member of the Continental Congresses in 1774 and 1775; died at Chatsworth, near Baltimore, Md., September 5, 1779; interment in St. Paul’s Churchyard, Baltimore, Md. via