I am just going to say it. I don't think Taylor Swift has a good voice. I watched the Grammys on Sunday night and saw her receive award after award including album of the year for FEARLESS. She sang a duet with Stevie Nicks and was totally off key. It is wonderful that she writes all of her own songs and is so cute and such a good role model for young girls. I don't consider my "ear" to be that good but I just don't understand her runaway success. A singer with this much notoriety should have a wonderful voice, the keyword being
singer. Yesterday, a music critic on NPR voiced this reaction too, so I know others must thinking the same thing. The next time you hear her on the radio, close your eyes (not if you're driving) and listen carefully. I guess people are buying her music and liking her adorable package in spite of her voice. Just my opinion. Agree or disagree?
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