I am just going to say it. I don't think Taylor Swift has a good voice. I watched the Grammys on Sunday night and saw her receive award after award including album of the year for FEARLESS. She sang a duet with Stevie Nicks and was totally off key. It is wonderful that she writes all of her own songs and is so cute and such a good role model for young girls. I don't consider my "ear" to be that good but I just don't understand her runaway success. A singer with this much notoriety should have a wonderful voice, the keyword being
singer. Yesterday, a music critic on NPR voiced this reaction too, so I know others must thinking the same thing. The next time you hear her on the radio, close your eyes (not if you're driving) and listen carefully. I guess people are buying her music and liking her adorable package in spite of her voice. Just my opinion. Agree or disagree?
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Oh, I certainly agree with you.
This same thing happened years back with Britney Spears. I never understood what all the hoopla was about-to me she sounded like she was having fun with the helium tank!
Have a great week!
I watched it too and noticed the same thing. I usually don't watch the awards but decided to this time and thought that the other talents were great. Maybe she was just having a bad night? A really bad night:)
Capers of the vintage vixens
Oh how funny. I didn't watch the Grammy's but have to say that I like her. Now compare Taylor Swift with Miley Cyrus. Ick!!
I did not watch the show either. Frankly, I am so tired of award shows, it seems as though there is one every other week. I don't understand the music business, but from what I have observed it appears as though there are much more important attributes than vocal talent. I have heard several people mention Taylor singing off key. I doubt the record industry cares. As long as they are making money promoting a "talent" they could probably care less if she sings off key. Of course what do I know, I only listen to classical, jazz and blues. Pop is off my radar.
Susan and Bentley (who will agree with any opinion as long as there are treats and walkies at stake)
I received an e-mail from a friend who complained about Beyonce' receiving six awards (three of which were for the same song!) Voice or the legs?
I thought maybe I was simply out of touch when I saw Lady Gaga and Pink but I have "Meet Me Halfway", Fergie and the Black-eyed Peas, on my playlist and enjoy it very much so it isn't always thumbs down for this genre'.
Years ago, folks used to say the same about Olivia Newton-John. It's so often all about the packaging, isn't it?
My family and I talked about this too, as we have seen/heard her sing off-key on numerous ocassions, and I mean REALLY off key! I think she is an extremely talented young songwriter and is "musical" but cannot sing, which can happen. The world's greatest composers/lyricists were rarely singers themselves. I think she wanted fame and fortune, and had the confidence to try and sell herself along with her music, and good for her for doing that at her age. Her recorded music is fine because of all the studio tricks-they are so sophisticated nowadays that they could make anyone sound good. Overall, we like her, and admire her chutzpah!
I pretty much agree with Susan and Bentley.
I'm totally clueless when it comes to pop. I think I'm the only one in a very large extended family who has never watched American Idol. Like susan, I'm a classical, Jazz, blues kind of gal.
I stopped watching awards shows a couple of years ago, they just seem to me to be self licking ice cream cones. I guess I've become an awards show snob.
I will make a confession though, I do look at the red carpet fashions online.
I totally agree that this young woman can not carry a tune. I can see her winning awards for song writing, but she should have someone else sing the tunes. I have never understood these people who are billed as singers, but they can't sing. Just like Britney Spears. I think it is all a sad commentary on American society and the dumbing down of everything.
I totally agree!! I have a 7 year niece who just thinks Taylor Swift & Miley Cyrus are all that. Neither one of them are good examples for the little girls today. It's sad. This is what our society has come to.
I completely agree. I think very highly of Taylor as a songwriter and respectable young woman, but Lordy, she can't really sing. It wasn't just the Grammy's either...I have seen several "LIVE" performances on TV and it's always off key. Not much of a voice there...but a sweet girl who deserves credit for her songwriting.
As Randy would say, dawg, a little pitchy!
Disagree wholeheartedly. I think Swift is a talented singer. Maybe she was nervous? I don't watch awards shows as I think they're a big waste of time, so didn't see the performance....
I didn't watch the show, but I would tend to agree. She is very formulaic which, unfortunately, appeals to her audience resulting in great sales numbers...and ultimately that's what the biz is all about.
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