Wednesday, April 3, 2024

New Picture Arrangement in My Living Room


It has been pouring rain for the last 2 days so I thought I would show you my back wall. The botanical print of a Jack in the Pulpit wildflower in top center is a rather new purchase and I like it there. I had a very large framed antique map there shown in my last photo. It had been there for 20 years and I thought it was time for a change to show more of my paneled wall.

The small oil painting underneath was taken from another room.

Closer view of both artworks.

This is an old photo showing the antique map. The new botanical is hanging on the same picture hook if I ever want to put it back. I don't think I ever will though because I like showcasing my custom woodwork. The first two photos were taken with a newer iPhone camera and the wall color is truer. This older iPhone photo has more of a green tinge. My woodwork is painted with Benjamin Moore Bennington Gray and it's a true putty color. 

April Showers are right on time this. I'm so glad Easter Sunday was a beautiful day and I hope you all enjoyed the day whether or not you celebrated. XO


Pam said...

I like the Jack in the Pulpit print--and the frame, too. It looks like a good fit for your room. Your woodwork is so lovely, I understand wanting to accentuate it.

Rosemary, you won't believe this, but it's snowing here in the Midwest. Mother Nature doesn't know that it's supposed to be springtime.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- Thanks for your feedback. The colorful botanical is beautifully framed as you noted and looks right at home with my surrounding art.
We had torrential rain and high winds that kept me awake last night but today is bright and sunny. We are still getting temps in the 30° range at night and I wouldn't be at all surprised waking up to snow. Hope you are dealing well with yours!
xo, Rosemary

The Queen Vee said...

I always love seeing any view of your cottage. Today I just hope all the pictures on your gallery wall are hanging straight. I just read that New Jersey was the center of an earthquake on the East coast that occurred today. I hope you are okay.

Gail, northern California said...

Love the framed jack in the pulpit print. Perfect fit. Really pops! And your walls are a beautiful color.

Content in a Cottage said...

Gail, northern California -- Gail, Thank you. I couldn't resist buying this beautifully framed print and was thankful it fit so perfectly in its new spot on my wall. So glad you like it and my paint color too. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

The Queen Vee -- Victoria, Thanks for your concern. I did indeed feel the 4.8 earthquake and another aftershock later in the afternoon that was a little stronger. No damage anywhere that I am aware of. I have seen a few videos on the news showing things falling off the walls though. The earthquake was shallow -- went down a depth just short of 3 miles. The shallow ones have an audible sound beforehand that is caused by the rocks in the cracks rubbing against each other. The deep ones are silent. One of my friends though it sounded like a plane had crashed into her house. I thought it sounded like an explosion nearby and then I felt the movement underneath me. And then it was over.
I went to my public library on Thursday to get my free Eclipse Glasses for Monday. All the libraries have them as long as supplies last. Have a great weekend. xo, Rosemary

Tasha T said...

I love your Jack in the Pulpit picture, Rosemary. It fits right in with your other pictures. Are they all Treasures from the Thrift Shop?
I'm glad there was no damage to your property, or yourself, from the earthquake. It's so frightening when you live in an area where they don't usually happen. At the moment we have a terrific gale here in Warwickshire called Storm Kathleen. Tall trees are bending over and all the birds have disappeared into bushes. Happily, no rain.
I hope you enjoy the eclipse.

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- The Jack in the Pulpit framed print was from a charity shop benefitting a hospital. The little oil painting was from an Estate Sale as were the two painings to the right. The two on the left were purchased about 40 years ago from an antiques store.
Your wind storm would frighten me much more than my earthquake that was surprisingly kind to the environment. A friend with a donkey told me he didn't like it. It will be interesting to hear how he likes the eclipse tomorrow. I've heard animals will react to it. xo, Rosemary

DEB Lanter said...

Wondering where you are. I miss your posts has something happened to you?

Content in a Cottage said...

DEB Lanter -- Deb :: I don't know what happened to me. I just got really busy and put my blog aside for a while. I changed Real Estate companies, put in a lot of time helping my 84 year old friend sort out his first mobile phone problems, and more. I shall try to post more frequently. Tomorrow is May first so you will definitely have a new post in your email. Thanks for your concern. xo, Rosemary