Friday, February 17, 2023

My Deer is Back

My young 4-point buck is back to feed in yesterday's rain.

He is still on the lookout and seems nervous in this photo. This time he is alone. The last time he was with another male with a large rack and a female. I took both photos from the window over my kitchen sink.

Happy Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Mama Pea said...

There's something so majestic about a buck with lovely antlers!

Tasha T said...

I'm so pleased your deer is back and hope he becomes a regular visitor. Thank you for posting.

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea, You are so right. I'm told he will soon lose his antlers and his next set will have more points. He really is majestic. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T. -- You're most welcome. I was glad I looked out the window at just the right time. I'm sure he will be back. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

It does a heart good to see the animals returning to feed! I'm glad your buck is back!

Lisa D. said...

He's a beauty, Rosemary. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing creature with all of us. I love all animals, but especially deer, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's their beauty. Maybe their vulnerability. I don't know. I have a hillside above my back yard that is covered with old oak trees. Before I fenced off my property, many deer came to rest and graze there. Unfortunately, they also decimated my rose bushes and every other plant in my yard, which is why the fence went up. They brought their babies onto my property, I'm sure because they felt it was a safe refuge. I now have roses, but alas, no deer. I have to say that I miss them terribly. I'm going to have to create some sort of backyard where the deer have a refuge, and I can also have roses and flowers.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam, I'm glad he feels safe enough to come alone this time. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- Deer love roses and hostas often called deer candy. I tried various deer sprays in the past and gave up and just have plantings they don't like.

mia said...

It's a fascinating video, but I can't say that I enjoy seeing them in my own tiny backyard. As you and others have mentioned, they tend to mow down the plants we love. They also carry deer ticks, which carry Lyme disease. I just stumbled on this tidbit though, and thought of you: Bluebird of Happiness Day is observed each year on September 24.

Content in a Cottage said...

mia -- I know what you mean about the deer ticks and Lyme Disease. I have had it several times and hope I never get it again. I have to embrace and enjoy the deer because I can't do anything about them and they have easy access from the parkland into my property. Thanks for the heads up about Bluebird of Happiness Day. I have it marked on my calendar for September 24th. xo, Rosemary