Thursday, February 9, 2023

House Finch

A male House Finch tucked himself into the spruce trees while the December 2022 arctic front moved in. He's beautiful and looks quite snug. ©riverwindphotography 


They are very plentiful at my feeder and I only have black oil sunflower seeds. They have a very distinctive beak to crack them open.


Pam said...

Such a pretty bird and a lovely photo. I wasn't sure if the house finch is common in the Midwest, so I did some digging. They are! Now I must keep my eyes open in hopes of seeing one.

Gretchen Joanna said...

Beautiful indeed. For several years I had dozens of house finches visiting my garden, but I haven't seen any lately. It may be they were only here for the easy black oil sunflower seeds...

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam, I added another photo to this post with more information about House Finches. They are the most common birds at my feeder. Hope you get some. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Gretchen Joanna -- They love those black oil sunflower seeds and have the right beaks to crack them open. That's what I feed them and they linger on the perches and shell those seeds and eat more. My other birds take a seed and dart away to deal with them in private. Feed them and they will come back. xo, Rosemary