Monday, February 13, 2023

Bluebird Nest Building 30 Day Video

I couldn't post the live high speed video from Pinterest. It is so fascinating to watch the 30-day high speed action video and watch a bluebird build a nest building from start to finish, lay 4 eggs, see them hatch one by one, and be fed. I wanted to whet your appetite with these 4 screenshots. Watch the complete video HERE. Aren't nest box cams fantastic? This is the best one I have ever seen because it was so clear. I wish it were longer so we could watch the tiny ones grow and fledge. This inside view was a real treat for me and I hope for you too. xo

UPDATE: I had to remove a "dummy" house wren nest from my bluebird box this week. I am doing everything I possibly can this year to get bluebirds to have the opportunity to use my nesting box. Read an interesting article about this problem HERE and another article HERE. I have never had chickadees or other birds take over my box, only house wrens. They have the ability to nest almost anywhere so I don't feel guilty when I remove one of their dummy nests early in the year before the final nest is constructed for their eggs. The dummy nests are just a big pile of small sticks.


Tasha T said...

Thank you for the link to the video, Rosemary. How hard-working was that little bird building her (his?) nest. The eggs are such a pretty shade of blue, too. You're so lucky to have such beautiful visitors to your garden.

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- It's nice to know you have seen bluebirds in person since you don't have them in the UK. Having them in my garden is one of my greatest pleasures. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

What a great video! I found it so interesting how the bird used her body to tamp down the finer grass where the eggs were laid. Amazing. Many thanks, Rosemary!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- Her nest was very shallow too. That video opened my eyes to what bluebirds want. I went out and opened my bluebird box and a wren had already constructed a very large nest almost to the opening. I think the bluebirds like to be down low for the safety of the young. I emptied the box and now it's ready for bluebirds. I emptied it last fall so this was new construction by the wrens who compete for nesting cavities with the bluebirds. I'm glad you liked that nest cam video too. xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

Nature is beautiful, miraculous and amazing. Thank you for sharing this, and for posting the link, Rosemary.

Content in a Cottage said...

UPDATE: I added more information about house wrens taking over bluebird boxes to this post. xo, Rosemary