Thursday, December 29, 2022

NOPE. Not going outside today.

"Maybe we'll just stay inside today."

Darling photo found here.



Pam said...

I honestly believe some animals avoid certain types of weather. There is a little farm about one-quarter mile from our home. It is owned by an older woman and she has the most amazing assortment of animals. A donkey, goats, pigs, a dog and cat. The animals' pasture is very close to the road and when we drive our grand daughters by, we stop so they can see them more closely. Without fail, the donkey stands in the doorway of the barn if it's raining or snowing, but all of the other animals seem to ignore the weather. Guess I need to learn more about donkeys--they sure do seem intelligent.

Tasha T said...

These little cuties really are darlings, Rosemary. I love donkeys and lambs and wish I had some land to keep a few, but staying safely inside the barn is the best way to spend winter. Thank you for posting, Rosemary.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- That is so interesting. I guess donkeys are the smartest animals when it comes to bad weather. They know when it's best to stay inside. That little farm near you sounds like a delightful place to stop so your grand daughters can see the animals up close. Glad you like this photo. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- I thought this photo was darling too. I am satisfied with just having my birds to feed, especially in bad weather. xo, Rosemary