Saturday, November 12, 2022

Today's Photos Around & In My Cottage

After 2 days of rain I get a lovely Saturday like this.

These are the logs from the tree stump with the weathervane.

The puffball is decaying and a spotted lanternfly is eating it.

More leaves (yawn).

One of the miniature portraits on my nook wall.

Here's another one.

I took this photo minutes before this post.
I am still playing around with camera settings.
I never tire of trying to get things just right.
I never get discouraged either.

Now for a story. I went into my favorite charity shop to benefit my local hospital on Thursday and tried on a necklace marked $25.00. It was pretty and I really didn't need something to wear once a year at the office Christmas party but I noticed a really insignificant maker's mark on the back. I could make out a Script Letter E. I was standing next to the volunteers' room and asked one of the ladies if she could decipher the hallmark and she invited me in. Another lady heard me say "E" and she said she hoped it wasn't Elizabeth Locke because it would be grossly underpriced. The other lady took a photo of it and uploaded it to Google Images and it came up as a genuine piece of Elizabeth Locke designer costume jewelry priced at $575.00. This designer makes gold jewelry too but this was in her costume line. I immediately told the ladies they could reprice it and I would relinquish it so the hospital could get some serious money from someone who would appreciate it. They were thrilled and I was happy I made a discovery for them. If I hadn't asked and purchased it for myself I never would have known. It would have just lived in the drawer with all the other jewelry I don't wear. 
Isn't this a great story?


Peach Margarita said...

Great story. Such a wonderful unselfish act. Wish you had a photo of the necklace.

Pam said...

Your pictures are lovely, as always, and your story about finding treasure at the charity shop was incredibly touching! Sometimes it feels as though we are in the right spot, at the right time, to do something right in this world. You were in that spot, Rosemary, and I think what you did was very admirable. Thanks for sharing this story. It is inspiring.

Content in a Cottage said...

Peach Margarita -- I will try to go back this week and see if the necklace is in the locked jewelry case with proper documentation. If so, I will take a photo. I honestly had never heard of this designer because I no longer subscribe to expensive glossy magazines where she advertises and I don't follow fashion. That piece was meant for me to discover and pass it forward. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- Thank you. Yes, I was in the right place at the right time. I knew immediately this was an important piece by the looks on their faces and I made it easy for them to keep the piece without begging😂 That was my good deed for the day! xo, Rosemary

Susan said...

That is a wonderful story! I hope the shop supporting the hospital gets a very good price for the necklace!

Content in a Cottage said...

Susan -- So do I and I'm sure they will. Glad you enjoyed the backstory. xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

That was a wonderful thing for you to do, Rosemary.

I so enjoy the pictures of your cottage and property. I love nature and your abode is so woodsy and appealing. At the beginning of November, we did get a few good days of much needed rain here in CA, and it was lovely! Everything looked so fresh and green, but sadly, no rain in the forecast for the next week and a half or so. I fear we are going to have yet another dry winter. Not a good thing.

Eileen in Fla. said...

You have a good eye and generous heart. Many would have haggled for lower price then sold it on E-Bay for a nice profit. Good for you! At my advanced years I stopped long ago buying nice pieces of art, jewelry etc. because I know it will all be sold for pennies on the dollar at an Estate Sale. Hurricane Nicole whipped thru Fla. past week, but in the Panhandle we only got 1/2 inch of much needed rain. Have a good week.

Content in a Cottage said...

Eileen in Fla. -- I think that's how this valuable piece got lost in a jumble when someone was cleaning out a deceased person's belongings. My days of wearing expensive jewelry are long behind me. I wear the same pearl earrings every day and have a few Estate sale necklaces I wear when I go out in public. I was happy to leave this piece behind for an appreciative person to buy at a substantial price and I'm glad I helped. So glad to hear Nicole was kind to you. Have a good week too. xo, Rosemary

sandy lawrence said...


The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive species native to Asia. In 2014 it was found in Pennsylvania, and has since spread to multiple counties which are now quarantined.

If you see a spotted lanternfly, it's imperative to immediately report it online or via phone by calling 1-888-4BADFLY. Especially if you are not inside the quarantine zone.

What else? Kill it! Squash it, smash it...just get rid of it. In the fall, these bugs will lay egg masses with 30-50 eggs each. These are called bad bugs for a reason, don't let them take over your county next.

Content in a Cottage said...

sandy lawrence -- I know all this. I squashed that evil leaf hopping spotted lantern fly after I took the photo. Thanks so much for posting the alert. xo, Rosemary

Megs said...

I love, love., love your blog, I love your decorating and live in Pennsylvania. Spent many happy days long, long ago in the back of a suburban as my mother and her friend who owned an antique store in Philadelphia drove through the small towns and farms of New Jersey buying old treasures right from families.

Content in a Cottage said...

Megs -- Thank you. Your childhood in back of your mom's Suburban stopping to buy antiques from homeowners sounds delightful to me. She and her friend must have found wonderful treasure to sell in their antique store in Philadelphia. You must have the fondest of memories from those fun days long ago. xo, Rosemary