Saturday, November 5, 2022

Ssturday Clouds and More

I am still getting good color in fallen leaves.

These were backlit by the sun and were glowing.

The big white fluffy clouds against the dark blue sky were a thrilling sight.

Another interesting leaf with stunning colors.

A wide angle shot while standing with my red barn to my right.

This pin oak tree is still holding on on to its leaves among all the other completely bare trees. This portion of the woods is outside my bedroom wing and the white picket fence.

UPDATE: I went out on my balcony to see if the moon was out and it was. This was taken at 6:00 Saturday evening. I was never able to get the moon with my old phone or even with my Nikon. I'm pretty excited about the pink cloud too.

I'm enjoying a rather lazy start to the weekend but I never feel guilty. Some days I work really hard and the next day I rest. Don't forget to set the clocks back before you to to bed tonight.


JudyMac said...

I see you are giving the new camera a robust workout. �� And the fall scenery around your cottage is lovely. Starting at my front door, there are so many fallen leaves that you can hardly see the pavement on the street. When the yard crew blows them into the woods again next week they will be knee deep to a pony. I try to keep the leaves out of the birdbath in the woods this time of year. A big fat male Cardinal comes to my patio birdbath on the back side and has a good splash. The water had spilled over by the time I got up this morning, so some of them bathe early. Others come at dusk.

Content in a Cottage said...

JUDYMAC -- Judy, Knee deep to a pony! Love that! That's a new one for me. When the leaves get that deep on the pavement, they are slippery so be careful. I cleaned out my birdbaths too today. I love to see any bird bathing. I don't think I've ever seen any cardinals in mine though I have them.
Yes, I am giving the camera a workout to see what it can do. I just added a moon photo to the post at 6pm. I could never get one with my old phone so I'm excited about this. It wasn't quite dark so I got a pink cloud too. xo, Rosemary

Mama Pea said...

The picture of the pin oak tree is one I would gladly hang in my home! As they say, it speaks to me. :o) There is so much gorgeous scenery outside if we but take the time to look for it. And you are. And we all benefit!

Content in a Cottage said...

MamaPea -- Thank you so much. That Pin Oak tree is special to me because I saved its life by removing some very aggressive vines that were strangling it when it was a sapling. Now it is thriving and I can't wait until it starts producing little acorns. I'm so happy you like my photography and thanks for the encouragement. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

More beautiful photos! Maybe it's my imagination, but this fall's colors seem more vivid than ever. The picture of the moon and the pale pink sky--amazing, huh? And of course, I love the lonely bright yellow leaf near your pin oak. We have a huge oak in the corner of our backyard. It was loaded with tiny acorns this year, and the squirrels have been partying at our house and burying them everywhere.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- A huge oak tree in the corner of your yard! How very wonderful for you. I truly wish I had one but will have to be satisfied with the pin oaks. The wild turkeys come to eat the acorns and I'm always happy to see them. The fall colors have been surprisingly lovely in spite of the drought conditions over the summer. Of course, I am paying closer attention because of my new camera phone. I have a friend with lots of large old oak trees and a few are too close to the house and fill his gutters with large acorns and clutter the walkways. You are lucky yours is in the corner. I like that yellow leaf too. xo, Rosemary
PS: The next full moon is November 19th -- can't wait🌝

The Queen Vee said...

Love fall and really love your last photo....Moon Shot.

Content in a Cottage said...

The Queen Vee -- Thanks again. I am anxious to see the moon tonight before the eclipse. Last night was too cloudy. xo, Rosemary