Thursday, October 27, 2022

Photo Edits on My Phone

I tried a great feature on my new iPhone. I was just playing around to see what it would do when I hard pressed on a photo, copied, and saved to my photos. This is the first one I tried. I was thrilled that it did an exact outline of this urn, the stand, and the geranium without the background.

Here is the full photo!
I have my phone on DARK MODE to conserve battery power.
I had to do a screenshot of the first photo to preserve the black background. So I can also have a white background on the first photo but the black is more dramatic since the urn is white.

I love learning new things when I get a new device. I always dig deep(ly) and find out things some people never learn. 

This feature will bring new life to old photos that have distinct outlines like this poppy from two or three summers ago! I bought a packet of seeds to sow in late winter or very early spring so I will have them again next summer. I adore their crepe paper petals.

This portrait of one of my cast iron roosters is fresh out of the camera. I snapped him on my way out the door for my early evening walk down to the wayback. The camera was on portrait mode with studio lighting. He looks very proud, doesn't he? That's all folks.


Lisa D. said...

Which iPhone did you purchase?

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I got the iPhone 14 Pro Max. My old phone was a 7plus so I was used to a big phone. It's the last model that will be using the old lightning cables so I decided to jump in. I have been watching YouTube tutorials to learn all the tips and tricks. I love the FaceID and the swipe up instead of the home button. I am getting better with the camera every day. Thanks for asking. xo, Rosemary

Mama Pea said...

The urn of geraniums and the poppy blossom look as though they should be hung in a gallery! Amazing the technology that is available these days, isn't it?

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- It is truly amazing what you can do with technology skills today. I love learning new things and it's actually good for my brain too. YouTube is a big help in walking me through the steps and people are so generous with their knowledge there. Thanks for your praise for the urn and the poppy. There will be more photos to come. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

What a difference the backgrounds make on your pictures. I bet you'll really enjoy your new phone. Have a good weekend, Rosemary!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- Deleting the backgrounds make an old photo new again. I am having fun experimenting. Hope you have a good weekend too.
xo, Rosemary