Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Public Garden on the Welsh Border

Bryan’s Ground, a public garden in Herefordshire on the Welsh border. See many more lovely photos here.
UPDATE: More information about the history here with more photos and visiting information. It's REALLY interesting and worthy of a blog post all by itself. Be sure and visit.


Tara Dillard said...

Rosemary, me-too me-too. Fell for these gardens, completely, at first glance.

Studied historic gardens across Europe 20+ decades beginning in the 80's. Had to. My USA horticulture degree taught zero of what I wanted to know.

Plantings in the cracks of brick/stone terraces stole my heart. Never, in USA did I see this, nor learn of it in that ridiculous hort degree.

With WWI labor became threadbare to maintain estate gardens, as they had prior to the war, terraces became riddled with plants, often Lady's Mantle.

Of course I copied this in my own garden with a stone terrace, using Thyme 'Annie Hall', and Jewels of Opar. Discovered another gardener, American, did the same thing. Her garden, was in Vanity Fair, https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2010/08/bunny-mellon-garden-201008 .

Her garden popped in my brain/heart with shock, it looked just like mine, and I KNEW where her ideas came from. Discovering more of her work, across the years, it is the same Le Jardin Rustique, I had discovered across historic gardens in Europe. And use solely to design gardens....

Rural town next to mine has a sewage treatment plant built in the 1930's, in a totally Art Deco style, it's gorgeous, about 2 rolling acres, with chain link fencing. Passing it, riding on the bus with the rest of our County Planning Commission to a field trip, I shared how much I would love to buy the entire thing, turn it into my home, and CREATE A GARDEN. They laughed, until they realized I was SERIOUS. Thrilling to be scary to others for Gardening Passion !!

The rectangular water treatment 'ponds' are over-the-moon to imagine, in a garden. The chain link fencing with hedging, using different historic plantings, all growing thru the fencing..... And the Art Deco dark dark red brick structure is straight from a HERCULE POIROT production....What others see at that SEWAGE PLANT, not my business.

Interiors must be as Nancy Lancaster would do them ca. the same era of the structure !

Thank you for posting this, and the link where you found it. Delightful.

Garden & Be Well, Tara

Pam said...

There's such a winsome quality in those pictures of Bryan's Ground. I decided to research a bit and when I typed it in, and its location in Herfordshire, it appeared to have recently been for sale (sometimes it is hard to find dates, tho, so it's anyone's guess). But there were either some very old photos or new ones, showing it looking all spiffy. It also said that the property had recently sold. I am very happy for the new owner. What an amazing place!

Content in a Cottage said...

UPDATE: I just added a link in the post for the history of this Historic site with more photos too.


Now I love it even more.

xo, Rosemary

Eileen in Fla. said...

Oh that 'canal pool' - so unique.