Thursday, June 9, 2022

Winding Road in Ireland

It's breathtakingly beautiful, isn't it?
photo found here


Coco said...

I've been to Ireland twice and it looks just like it does in pictures. How can a place be so beautiful and stay that way for ages? The people are so friendly and helpful and I wonder if it's because they live in such an agreeable place. I'd return there tomorrow.

Linda A. said...

Yes it is beautiful, almost unreal, like a painting. So peaceful.

Pam said...

Gorgeous! Although the storm clouds are gathering, the sun is still shining through.

Anonymous said...

yes! oh my. the Emerald Isle. xo

Lisa D. said...

It is breathtakingly beautiful. It doesn't even look real! It looks like a painting. How I would love to live somewhere like this; green, verdant, pastoral, magical - like something out of the past.