Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Adding Architectural Elements to a Doorway

Don't you love the decorative corbels that were added to this opening? The floors were just sanded and were stained gray. It's amazing how effective architectural elements are to completely change the character of a room!


Pam said...

It's interesting to compare the before and after pictures. I know that sanding floors is hard, messy work, but that new finish and the addition of the corbels changed the entire feeling of that room. Call me crazy, but it almost has an ethereal quality now. I went to the website and looked at a few other pics, too. Spied what is probably the kitchen and a table alcove. Lovely home!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam, The sanding and refinishing the home really changed the whole character. didn't it? I would love to do this in my living room but it's too much of a project since I'm not moving and my room is loaded with furniture. Plus they are fine like they are! But it's always fun to see how you can change empty rooms. I love that idea of adding the corbels too. It is such a simple addition that adds so much character to the whole first floor. xo, Rosemary