Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Arranging Lilacs

Will she be able to lift this arrangement when it's finished?
This is definitely flower arranging on steroids😂
Is there anything lovelier than lilacs in the spring?
Photo found here.


Pam said...

Such beautiful and fragrant flowers. That is one huge bouquet!

Coco said...

Lilacs don't grow well in the South unless you're in the mountains. There's a black and white picture of me standing in front of my grandmother's lilac bush and it's Easter morning. I'm wearing all my Easter regalia including a white bandeau hat with my fresh and fuzzy Toni home perm sticking out. My two front teeth are missing and I'm holding my Easter basket with white gloved hands. The joy of that morning still radiates from that picture with the lilac bush towering over me. I still remember the sweet/tart smell of those flowers. Thanks so much for causing me to go back!

Content in a Cottage said...

Coco -- What a delightful photo --- I can just picture it in my mind. Thanks for taking me back to home perms before any major event, especially Easter. I always hated my hair afterwards. xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

Whomever this lady is, she has certainly brought flower arranging into the realm of an extreme sport! The smell of lilacs is just heavenly. I loved Coco's comments and I can just picture it too. What a wonderful image. I remember dressing up for holidays. It was so much fun. It was an event! I remember those home perms as a little girl, but to my dismay, I never looked like the girl on the box.