Monday, March 21, 2022

A Painted Bunting

If you live in the Southern US you might be lucky enough to see a painted bunting in person one day. Read more here. The photo doesn't real, does it? The article has more photos. They spend most of their time foraging for seeds in low, dense brush. Happy first full day of spring. xo


Pam said...

This little bird is certainly a show-stopper! The color of its head and scruff of the neck is beautiful, but then I looked at the tail feathers. More subtle in color, but so beautiful.

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- It would be a treat to see one in person, wouldn't it? I'm glad there are nature photographers on the lookout for them and sharing their photos. xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

OMGOODNESS! how beautiful he is.
I've never seen nor even heard of one before.
photographers are wonderful. they expand the world for us! xo

Content in a Cottage said...

tammy j -- Tam, Yes they do. Nature photographers are the best! xo, Rosemary

Brenda said...

I live in S Florida and have Painted Buntings from October through April. I give them their own feeder in a more protected area right outside the living room window. They love white millet seed. The males truly are that colorful and the females are a pale lime green color. They are smaller than a cardinal. It is a delight to see them and I’m always sad for them to leave in April. But I look forward to their return in the fall.

Content in a Cottage said...

Brenda -- I cannot think of anything more wonderful than your living room feeder full of Painted Buntings. They would brighten up any dreary winter day for sure. Lucky you. Thanks for sharing. xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

He's really a beauty. It looks like Mother Nature used every color in her paint box when she made him.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they are related to parrots? Parrots are what I think of when thinking of such colorful birds.

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda Sand -- Linda, You would think so but they aren't considered tropical birds. Native to Mexico and Southern US. I had Indigo buntings at my first house in New Jersey but have never seen Painted Buntings. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- I like that! Every color in the paint box describes the male Painted Bunting perfectly. xo, Rosemary

Betty said...

I'm fortunate to live in South Carolina and have seen them in my yard. They are beautiful but don't look real!

Content in a Cottage said...

Betty -- They don't look real in photos either. How wonderful to be able to see these painted buntings in person. Lucky you.
xo, Rosemary