Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Inside My Cottage

Just a random shot inside my cottage on my way to the kitchen for more coffee and an English muffin. I can't even watch any more weather reports. My phone says we are having rain all day Thursday and Friday starting after midnight tonight. Maybe all the snow will melt before it gets cold again and turns to ice over the weekend. If the dreadful winter storm is in your area, be safe. Just stay inside if you can. I am extremely fortunate to be able to do so and I can always find something to do. xo


Anita ~ the cabin on the creek said...

Your cottage is so beautiful, & each pic you post shows a tasteful & inviting area. I too am hoping for some melting with this rain we have in the forecast. Even though my driveway has been plowed twice, it is still covered in ice. Large pine trees on the south side of it block any sun that might be of help, & I have put salt down almost every day without any real results.

Enjoy the little respite from the frigid temps.

...all is grace!

Content in a Cottage said...

Anita ~ the cabin on the creek -- Thank you for your kind words about my cottage. After 20 years, I have finally learned how to shovel the minimum amount of my driveway and still be able to get out. My front walk was shoveled and swept and is completely cleaned. I cleaned off my car and shoveled a path to my walk. I shoveled out to the street in front of my car and left the rest to melt. Nobody else can get in but that's fine with me. I have way too much driveway and it's gravel. I have only had it plowed a few times ever. My old SUV was much harder to clean off than Baby Shark. I have decided to buy it when my lease is up next January. I have evergreens that shade my driveway too. I don't use any salt or sand. I just try to shovel down to the gravel for traction. I have kitty litter if I my front walk turns to ice. Stay home and be careful and I'll do the same. Fingers crossed for some serious melting for both or uw. xo, Rosemary

jnethery said...

just a gorgeous cottage, be safe

Mama Pea said...

I truly enjoy seeing any and all photos of your cottage. Please keep them coming. And stay safe during the bad weather which may come your way.

Pam said...

I second what Anita said. Your cottage always looks so inviting. Definitely a great place to hunker down during the winter, and every other season of the year. We thought we were getting ice this morning, but so far, the temperature has stayed above freezing. Yay!! Snow is supposed to start soon, but we'll be okay with that.

Noelle said...

Lovely shot of your cottage. And agreed about the rain I do hope it doesn’t freeze up and cause all kinds of problems. Stay safe.

GrammaGrits said...

Thank you for sharing pictures of your home - it is lovely! Living in the PNW styles are difference and much of your lovely furniture and decor is more from the NE. You are fortunate to live in that area!

Susan said...

What a wonderfully inviting home!

Content in a Cottage said...

jnethery -- Thank you. Take care, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- Thank you. There was an amazing amount of melting today. We seem to be in a pattern of snow, then it all melts, then it snows again. Oh well, it's winter. I hope you are dealing with your frigid weather and are safe and snug. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I had lots of melting too. Hooray! I am ready for the rain tomorrow and the snow on Friday. We can't change the weather. All we can do is complain about it.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Noelle -- Thank you, I hope the rain doesn't freeze and leave a layer of ice under the snow that's coming. Fingers crossed. xo, Rosemary

KMKlump said...

I agree with all the compliments written about your cottage. I wish sometimes I could come and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with you. As far as the weather goes, here in the south, we are expecting thunderstorms tomorrow. And I can always tell by my carport. Because when it warms up my carport sweats! And sometimes people can slip and fall on sweaty carports! Take care, be safe, and blessings, Kathy

Content in a Cottage said...

GrammaGrits -- Thank you. Yes, I am fortunate to live in this lovely area of New Jersey and most of my furniture is from the surrounding area of the northeast.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Susan, Thanks for the compliment❤️
xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

Your cottage is just charming. Please stay warm and safe.

Content in a Cottage said...

KKKlump -- Kathy, I would love to have hot cocoa with you if we were closer. Be careful on your carport and I'll be careful if we have ice. Thanks for your comment.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. -- Thanks, Lisa. Wishing you warmth and safety too. I am thrilled with all the snow melt we had today. xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

oh Rosemary! here I am ... late as always. but don't feel you have to answer. I just enjoy Everything about the life you've made for yourself. the cottage is beautiful and just one facet of your delightful personality!
my beloved Mother was from upstate NY (the Thousand Islands area) and visiting you brings back so many wonderful memories!
thank you for this exquisite blog dear heart! XO

Content in a Cottage said...

tammy j -- Tam, Thanks so much for your frequent comments. I know I don't have to respond and I often don't have time. You and my followers are a big part of my blog and it's nice to have another voice like yours! xo, Rosemary

Linda P in IL said...

HI, yep we are right in the middle of the storm..second wave now with increasing winds! My recent purchase of rubber cleats to go on my boots work well. I was able to walk yesterday on snow covered ice without a problem. Be safe!

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda P in IL -- Oh dear! Linda, I am sending warm wishes to you. Sounds like you are prepared though. My area has been spared thus far. We had high 40s today with rain. Almost all of the snow has melted. More rain all night with temps still in the 40s. By noon tomorrow it gets below freezing again. My heart goes out to those of you who are experiencing winter's wrath.
xo, Rosemary