Thursday, December 30, 2021

Flourless Muffins and A 1945 Movie

I used my last banana this morning in a smoothie but when I go to the market again I will definitely make these muffins. I need carrots too.

It has been overcast with gray skies for days here. 
Yesterday I decided to look for 
movie to watch and found it on YouTube. I have always thought of this as a Christmas Movie but that must be a well-kept secret because you never see it offered anywhere. I streamed it from my laptop to my TV using Chromecast but I would have been just as happy watching it on my computer. 
It was free had had no commercials. 

Here's the link: 
Bookmark it if you want to watch later.


Pam said...

Those muffins look delicious in addition to being full of good ingredients. I'm putting them on my baking list! Thanks for the recipe, Rosemary! I hope your skies clear and the sun shines for you very soon.

itztru said...

Thank you Rosemary. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was a favorite of my late mother's and I remember her handing me the book to read while I was in my teens. Later in life, I bought my own copy. Looks like a long winter ahead of us again, so I will bookmark the movie to watch.

Anonymous said...

I'd almost always rather have a good muffin than cake!
and those look wonderful. and to know they're Healthy. that's a plus.
you know... I can't believe I've never seen A Tree Grows in Brooklyn! as much as I love old classic movies I have never watched it. I am definitely going to this time. thanks! XO

Content in a Cottage said...

tammy j -- Tam, You are in for a huge treat. I have only seen this movie 3 times and the first time wasn't that long ago. I love old movies with child stars and hope you do too. Let us know how you like A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN. Happy New Year! xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

itstru -- This will be the perfect movie to save and watch on a cold winter's day. I'm glad you and your mother had a shared love for the book. The movie is absolutely wonderful. Happy New Year. xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Loved the book and loved the movie. Best wishes for a good/better/best 2022.

Content in a Cottage said...

Eileen in Fla. -- I am glad you liked both the book and the movie. I love you "best wishes for a good/better/best 2020". That's my wish for you too. xo, Rosemary

Coco said...

I realize I'm late to the party but I've never seen the movie before. It's snowing at my house and this was the perfect staying-in thing to do. If movies like this could still be made, I think we all would go out to see them. Thanks for putting this up, I lost track of how many times I teared up.


Content in a Cottage said...

Coco -- I was late to the party too and just "happened" on this movie last year on the Movie channel. I finally found it on YouTube so I could watch it again and share. You picked the perfect day for this bittersweet movie based on the book. I understand about your "tearing up" comment. Thanks for stopping by to comment. xo, Rosemary