Monday, October 18, 2021

Unique Birdbath for A Tiny Bird

Read the charming story HERE with more photos of this tiny bird finding the perfect bathtub for her spa day. The photographer, Rahul Singh, calls this a once in a lifetime photo opportunity. He has other amazing nature photos on his Instagram page. I love the one of this bird soaking in this flower petal on her back! Who knew birds liked a good soak in the bathtub too? 


Peach Margarita said...

So, so adorable and amazing!

Anonymous said...

this just made my day!!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

That's amazing and enchanting!

Lisa D. said...

Isn't mother nature fabulous?

Pam said...

This just made my day!! Never would I dream that a bird would nearly do the backstroke in a petal. Such a cute bird. Thanks for the link, Rosemary!

kathiquilts said...

Rosemary - you continue to find the most amazing pieces! I look forward to seeing what each day will bring from your totally delightful, engaging and inspiring blog. Many thanks for yet another smile inducing treat!