Friday, November 20, 2020

Beautiful Pie Crust

This is too gorgeous for words. It looks like the best pumpkin pie ever! Tutorial for this braided lattice top crust with recipe and 5 more decorations for pies HERE! You're welcome.


kathiquilts said...

Oh Rosemary! It is just gorgeous! Think if I spent the time to make that beauty, I would have to leave the table while someone else cut it

Unknown said...

Rosemary: I know you just whipped up that pie to make the rest of us jealous! It is gorgeous and that is how my grandmother's pies looked - really! And they tasted just as good...Susan

Lisa D. said...

I always look forward to your pie pictures, Rosemary, and this one does not disappoint. They remind me of my late mother, who made the most fabulous pies. She was a wonderful, special and amazing woman, who had mad skills. My father had a friend/business associate who said about her, "Barbara always makes you feel as if you were the most important person in the room", and it was true. I'm so very lucky to have had her as my mom. Now that's something to be really thankful for.

Content in a Cottage said...

kathiquilts -- I would feel the same way. This pie is almost too pretty to eat. Happy Thanksgiving. I found the original link with a tutorial for this crust and added it to this post.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Susan -- How nice to have had a grandmother with pie talents. I grew up with plain pies but they were delicious and I always wanted a pie rather than a cake for my birthday.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

lisa -- Thank you for sharing your memories of your wonderful mother. I hope you will bake one of her pies this Thanksgiving. Great mothers live forever in our hearts.
xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

Amazing! I think I spy acorns. I appreciate the patience this must have required!

The Queen Vee said...

That pie is a work of art but I do wonder if the crust might not be as flaky with so much handling to create the design. Wow, I sound like a cup half empty person with that remark.

Our family use to say the Marie Antoinette really said, "Let them eat pie."