Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 2018 Blizzard at My Cottage

I took this photo at 3:00 this afternoon. It's almost 9:00 pm now and it has finally quit The amount you see in this photo has about doubled. It is over my boots and over my knees. I guess we got about 20 inches. My power went out at 6:30 this evening and my generator kicked in. I got an alert on my landline that the whole area is without power. My neighbors across the street hired a front end loader to do their driveway. It's way too deep for a regular truck with a plow blade on the front. I shoveled my walk when I took this photo but you would never know it. I will work a little each day and will be careful so don't worry. I cannot tell you how comforting it is to have a generator. I am so glad I made the leap and got one. This is the most snow I have seen since I bought my cottage in 2001. See you tomorrow. Be safe. xo


The Queen Vee said...

I love snow but not in the amounts you have just received. I've been thinking about you all day and grateful too that you made the wise decision to get a generator. Do be careful shoveling, don't overdo. I'm hoping you'll get some warmer temps and the snow will melt somewhat quickly, too quickly and you will have flooding. Do reassure us that you have plenty of food and fuel also for your generator.

Betty said...

That is a lot of pretty snow! Do you have a whole house generator?

Catherine said...

That is a scary amount of snow. I hope you have all the food and other stuff you need. Good thing you got the generator!!!

Mama Pea said...

Oh, my goodness, Rosemary! Doesn't the snow turn your environment into a different world? It's beautiful, but unless you get melting temperatures you'll have a bit(!) of snow removal to do!

You were one smart lady to have your generator system installed. Without it (and power) during and after this storm wouldn't be nearly as comfortable. Enjoy your winter wonder land! You're experiencing what we snow-lovers up here in northern Minnesota didn't get this year.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Yeah, we had alot of snow yesterday with the nor easter. The picture is beautiful. Glad you had that generator to keep warm. You be safe also. Thanks for the share.
World of Animals

Miss Sandra said...

20 inches...Wow! Much more than we got in my part of Passaic County. It does look pretty though!

Content in a Cottage said...

Betty....It is almost a whole house generator. It operates all of my outlets and my furnace, water heater and well pump but it the summer it will not operate my central air conditioning unit. That is fine with me because I don't use my AC that much. But I can still run a fan.
I really don't understand how it works but there was a huge amount of electrical work to make it automatically switch over when there is a power outage. It runs off natural gas so I don't have to worry about running out of fuel. BUT, I do have to check the oil. I made myself do that today and I was nervous. But I had great instructions and it turned out to be easy. Luckily, I knew how to do it thanks to my tractor.
I found out we got 24+ inches of snow yesterday around here.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

The Queen Vee -- Victoria, My generator runs off natural gas so I don't have to worry about gas cans. Plus, I can't get out of my driveway! I shoveled out my car and my front walk and a path to my mailbox. I am parked close to the road and tomorrow I will start on the snow out to the road. But I am in no hurry because I have provisions and don't need to go out. I worked outside for about 4 hours this morning and I don't want to overdo it. We are supposed to have temps in the low 40s everyday for a week so that should result in a slow melt. At night it will be in the 20s.
I am very glad I decided to put in a Generac Generator. Mine is a small 9KW unit but it works all my outlets. I cannot tell you what peace of mind it has given me. I have a feeling we will be seeing more fierce weather events in the future and I am finally prepared for what comes. All I have to do is check the oil on a regular basis when it's running constantly.
It is still not too late for you to get the big snows you have been wishing for.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- I hope you get a big snow if that's what you want. I am just glad I got mine late in the year. If this had happened earlier this winter, it would have lasted indefinitely with all the frigid temps we had. Every day for the next week it's going to be in the 40s so it won't last long. But it has been very crippling for many small towns nearby that had big tree damage. They have been without power since the nor'easter we had last week. I know what that's like since I lost power for 12 days during Superstorm Sandy in 2012.
xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Ah, the peace of mind of having a whole house generator--priceless!

Linda said...

Dear Rosemary . . . you surely are self-sufficient and all due to your excellent preparations. That goodness there has been no damage to your property. But, as you pointed out this one-two punch for many towns has been devastating. Please stay snug. I am grateful Mother Nature has calmed down and provided a slow melt. Under all that snow, SPRING awaits.
Thinking of you.