A brass trivet with a Tudor Rose in the center, antique scissors in a brass art nouveau case, a Union Jack note pad (Christmas Gift from Victoria) and a mechanical pencil for notes.

They live atop a couple of nesting mid-century modern tables in front of my sofa. Notice Webster's leg sticking out near the tabletop dog. This is my command center. My Macbook is on another table on my right, along side the TV remote and the remote for my Bose radio. I should have rearranged the items in the second photo. I squished them close together for the first picture.
I can see why those are some of your favorite things! Hope you are having a wonderful Monday- xo Diana
What a pretty arrangement. I have the tablet, but the beautiful brass really makes everything on the table special.
I'm honored, a shout out from the Cottage. What a pretty arrangement. I'm all about the visual so I noticed how nicely that tablet picks up the color in your rug. Tee-hee, I like how Webster always manages to get in the pic, that boy doesn't want to be left out of anything.
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