The rummage sale at the Methodist church on the second day scored a wonderful vintage wool blanket. I changed my linens yesterday while I was cleaning my room and this blanket turned out to be perfect on top of my Matelasse spread. It is a thin weave and is so long that it has to be doubled lengthwise. The two bound edges wound up under the pillows. I'm sure it was made this way for double insulation because the bottom crease has always been this way. Maybe someone even made it from woolen fabric--there aren't any labels. It's in perfect condition without a single moth hole. Webster loves it too as you can see. It keeps both of us warm, cozy, and happy.
Have a restful weekend keeping watch while lounging in bed if at all possible. Everything looks better with a dog on it; doesn't the first photo look empty?
Love you new blanket and so does Webster LOL. He's looking sleepy :):) xo, Susie
Very nice find! And you're right...everything does look better with a dog on it, a very loved dog, I'm certain.
Webster just makes it look so much cozier! I think the wool blanket is beautiful. Have a great weekend!
Beautiful blanket - and it looks terrific in your room. Webster is gorgeous, as always!
Happy weekend to you!
What a find! Lucky you.
Love your find. Plaid is my favorite and I really like wool blankets for their warmth and durability. Webster is clearly happy with his new blankie!
Tartan is perfect for your cottage Rosemary and it looks to me like the Dress Stewart a favourite of the Queen. She would definitely approve of it for Webster too!!!
What a find and I'm so longer you couldn't resist the sale!!!
Enjoy your Sunday
What a perfect find Rosemary and Webster has the right of it for sure! He knows a warm soft spot when he sees it!
Have a beautiful Sunday guys!
Tina xo
Dear Webster wasted no time once he spotted the inviting new acquisition for his comfort. But, something tells me you may have patted the freshly made up bed and said "okay" in order to give Webster the all clear. He certainly has a nobel head.
Hi Rosemary, You are right. Everything does look better with a dog on it. Can you imagine Andrew Wyeth's painting " Master Bedroom " without the dog on the bed?It wouldn't work. Happy Sunday.
Islandgirl, USA
it looks very cozy.
I love the blanket and your dog!
I don't think I can add anything comment wise that has not already been said but....
1. I'm so happy you were the purchaser of this beautiful plaid blanket.
2. It's found the perfect home.
3. Webster approved much better than Good Housekeeping.
4. It looks great on your bed.
One of my favorite portraits of Master Webster!
a tartan blanket in a beautifully spare but cozy bedroom.
a beloved webster on the bed.
doesn't get much better.
i love your style.
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