Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday Cleaning Frenzy

An early Saturday morning view from inside my vestibule looking out at a rainy walkway. The day got progressively better and the sun came out after lunch which was an unexpected surprise.

I had other plans for my morning so I didn't mind the rain. I woke up knowing I was going to give my bathroom a deep cleaning and I did.

It's such a good feeling to finish a job well done, isn't it? I have turned on my heat several times and I wanted to get out my radiator brush and give mine a good cleaning. This room has the first one I've done. I cleaned the floor and every surface and I am so happy. Now that I see the photos I think I'll get out my new ladder and do the light fixture too. I didn't think of it today. Have a great Sunday. xo ~ Posting Saturday night 8:30 pm


Gail, northern California said...

Love, love, love your Halloween black cat. Perfect spot.

Content in a Cottage said...

Gail, northern California -- Gail, Thank you. I have had that cat head forever and still love it too. xo, Rosemary

Noelle said...

Love the door shot! Your bathroom looks awesome ! A job well done. Love the color.

Content in a Cottage said...

Noelle -- Thank you. The fall colors look nice when there is a light rain. I think fall cleaning lasts longer than spring cleaning with open windows and pollen. Anyway, I'm glad I did it instead of just thinking about doing it. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

Lovely colors outside your doorway! It's always rewarding to deep clean, and I need to get motivated to start some fall cleaning. Your bathroom looks wonderful. Good for you, Rosemary!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- This week is going to be lovely weatherwise. No rain and temps in the 60s and 70s every day. I hope to get in a final mowing to celebrate. Housework is good exercise and very rewarding too after a concentrated effort. Have a great week. xo, Rosemary

Tasha T said...

Well done, Rosemary. Your bathroom looks a wonderful and relaxing room. But don't overdo the cleaning. Go into the garden and just enjoy the warm weather while it lasts.
Love your cat decoration too.

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- Don't worry about my overdoing the cleaning🙃 I take it by spells where I can't stop for several days and then I don't do anything but a lick and a promise for a long time thereafter. Then I repeat the process. I am enjoying a beautiful week with really nice fall sweater weather. I'm glad you like my cat face, I'll post my other cat in my pantry office for you to admire. xo, Rosemary