Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Webster's Sofa Bed

He sleeps here every night. He thinks I don't know.

I hear his feet hit the floor just after mine do in the other room.

Tonight I put a blanket there for him. He was surprised, but thrilled. Good Night, Everyone. I'm getting ready to tuck in too. I hope I can stay awake for tonight's episode of Broadchurch on BBC America.

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An Amazing Lake House

Is this a dream? Have you ever seen anything more beautiful? Some people are beach people, preferring the ocean, and some people are mountain people, loving a lake. I honestly haven't had that much beach experience in my life. I didn't even see the ocean until I was in the 4th grade. We always went to the mountains. I have fond memories of cabins and waterfalls and I think this scene looks absolutely heavenly. via
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A Great Place to Sit and Enjoy Fall

I have never turned on my heat in September but I was tempted to break my rule this morning. Wouldn't this be a great place to sit and enjoy watching the fall colors come and go? via
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Newborn Animal Friends

A kitten and a puppy named Noland snuggle up together. A mother cat, already caring for four newborn kittens, is now nursing this orphaned week-old pit bull puppy. (AP Photo/Cleveland Animal Protective League) More sweet animal photos here.
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Pablo Picasso Quote

Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working. Pablo Picasso via
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A woman surveys a treacherous mountain pass in the Pyrenees of France, 1956 - Photograph by Justin Locke, National Geographic. Doesn't this take your breath away? I think we are so fortunate these days to have better equipment to take care of the snow. I'm so lucky to live on a county road that is plowed around the clock. I'm having my furnace serviced for the winter on Friday. I still have visions in my head of getting stuck in the snow on a pretty regular basis when I was young and we lived in Pennsylvania. Do people even use chains on their tires these days? What are you doing to get ready for winter? 
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Monday, September 16, 2013

Cheerful Kitchen Behind Pocket Doors

It's nice to see pocket doors again instead of sliding barn doors, isn't it? I love this cheerful small pantry kitchen with open shelves and checkerboard floor. via
My exterior painting hasn't started yet but I've been busy with trades people working inside. All of my electrical problems have been solved inside and out. Plumber is coming on Friday. Progress is being made. 
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It's Easy Being Green

What a lovely small dining room! The shades of moss and sage green are very pleasing and soothing, aren't they? via
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