Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lacecap Hydrangea

My lacecap hydrangea is blooming! So happy. my iPhone photo
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Gentoo Penguin Chicks from Antarctica

Click photo to enlarge.

Aren't we cute?
Gentoo Penguin Chicks, Antarctica - Photograph by Richard Sidey. Two newly hatched gentoo penguin chicks get their first glimpse at the Antarctic wilderness. via National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest I could spend the whole day looking at all of the wonderful photos people have submitted. The contest is still open in case you want to enter.
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Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer in Scotland

High summer in the Quiraing, Isle of Skye, Scotland via
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The Milkweed is Blooming

My milkweed is blooming and it's so pretty. I adore the pink stems. I'll keep you updated on the progress of the pods when they begin to form. my iPhone photo
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Summertime at My Cottage

Here is a photo from a recent walk with the wonder dog. He got way ahead, choosing shade over sun just like me.

Then Webster enjoyed a good roll in the tall grass and clover. I see a good mowing in my future sometime soon. We are enjoying air conditioning again for only the second time this year and the house is very comfortable. Stay cool and I'll see you later. 
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Perfectly Captioned Dog Photo

No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does. ~Christopher Morley~ 
via Love, love, love this. Just look at that dog's captivated expression!
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Two Cool Moon Photos Last Night

This photo of the moon was on auto-focus and then posterized.

This one was focused manually and then posterized. It really is a supermoon. It's the largest and brightest full moon of 2013 and it will be an official full moon tonight. This celestial event started last night at sunset and that's when I took my photos. my Nikon photos
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The Potting Room

If I had this wonderful space devoted to plants and gardening, I wonder if I would still end up at the kitchen sink the way I do now? The stainless steel farm sink is pretty wonderful, isn't it? Did you see the moon last night? It was big and beautiful but tonight is going to be THE night to look up in the sky for the "super moon". Another Sunday morning has come and gone without my being able to sleep in thanks to a certain cat. She is determined to make me into a morning person. Yawn. See you later. via
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