Sunday, January 25, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Which mug will you choose on Saturday morning? . . .

I will pick the mug on the right since I don't drink tea in the morning. I need two big cups of strong perked coffee to get my day going, with soy milk/no sugar. A new magazine would be nice but I rarely get my hands on anything very current. I have several friends who save their old ones for me since I don't subscribe to any periodicals in my continuing effort to save the planet. The good thing about getting used magazines is you can rip out pages with wild abandon and no guilt.

Enjoy the day and the weekend.


Content in a Cottage

Life's Little Instruction Book, page 11 . . .

...To be continued...

Content in a Cottage

Today is National Handwriting Day and Neatness Counts

Get out your pens boys and girls. It's time for penmanship. Oh, how I loved this class in the fourth grade! It was such a rite of passage to leave the childish printing behind and learn CURSIVE.

I looked through my flat files and found this page from Lena Carroll's 1873 lesson book.

This is a screen capture from an online website that teaches children cursive. When you mouseover each letter, it shows you how to write it. See 2nd link at end of this post.

This is a penmanship exercise from the late 19th century that I found online and copied.

You can download and print these cursive flash cards ~ see the last link below.

Today really is National Handwriting Day. I hope you will take the time to read the full article from The Boston Globe (first link below). It really made my hair stand on end when I read that there are 20 and 30 year olds that can't read cursive! How can this be? I can understand when 5 year olds say they can't read script but not young adults. What has happened?

I read an article recently about a young girl who sent 35,000 text messages in one month. We e-mail, we text, we Twitter - what will become of handwriting? Parents should insist that their children are taught these basic skills. It would be a real handicap later in life to be illerate in cursive and incapable of executing a handwritten letter or thank you note in your best penmanship.

I still have the fountain pen that I got as a high school graduation present and I have some bottles of real ink too. In my desk I have quite an assortment of antique writing instruments acquired over the years from relatives or purchased at estate sales. Sadly, I don't use them as much as I used to but I could if I wanted!

Try to write something beautiful today in your best hand to celebrate this special day and help keep handwriting alive.

Feel free to comment if you have any strong feelings on this subject. Thanks, Rosemary

Is the writing on the wall for penmanship? - The Boston Globe

Online cursive handwriting lessons for kids

Download cursive pictorial flash cards for kids

Content in a Cottage
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Visual Word Cloud of Obama's Inaugural Speech + Wordles of Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and Lincoln . . .

What words were used most often? The folks at Read Write Web ran the full text of Obama's speech through tag cloud generator for one view of the event, and just for the sake of historical context they ran George W. Bush's second inaugural speech plus those of Clinton, Reagan and Lincoln through as well.

This is soooo interesting! Be sure to view the others on Read Write Web.

Content in a Cottage

Life's Little Instruction Book, page 10 . . .

...To be continued...

Content in a Cottage