Sunday, January 20, 2019

Virtual Woodburning Fire to Warm You

My own fireplace is all set for a fire but it's terribly windy outside right now so I'd better not light it. This virtual fire will have to do. It is supposed to get down to 7° tonight but will feel colder because of the wind. I thank my lucky stars every night for my eider down comforter that keeps me so warm and toasty. 
My overnight snow had turned to rain when I got up this morning. I dealt with it and cleared everything before noon after two hours of working outside. I had some homemade soup when I came inside at noon. Be safe and warm as we ride out the winter. Thankfully, tomorrow is a holiday and many people won't have to go to work.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Snowy Friday: A Dusting at My Cottage

I woke up to a dusting of snow and it has already stopped. So happy. A dusting is my favorite. No shovel required. I can just sweep my front walk. xo

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Acorns and Oak Leaves

“The boughs of the oak are roaring inside the acorn shell.” ~Charles Tomlinson via
I love this photo and the quote too! xo

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hallway Bookshelves, Nice!

I designed this quote long ago. I think Anna Quindlen would be most pleased if her children had bookshelves like the photo above.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Snow Art

Snow Angel in Empty Swimming Pool

Punk Snowman with Mohawk Haircut via

Monday, January 14, 2019

Beautiful Snow Scene

This unspoiled snow scene lis lovely but I am happy that it isn't my cottage. Once again, my area was spared the snow that is blanketing Virginia and points south. Is the weather shifting? I think it is. I got just a dusting on Sunday morning that melted when the clouds parted and the sun came up. More snow is predicted for this weekend. Fingers crossed. via