Saturday, August 5, 2017

Milkweed Plant, Monarch Caterpillar, Limelight Hydrangea

This Limelight hydrangea is three years old and 7 feet tall. WOW. I love it so and it's wonderful to have something showy blooming in August through the fall. The pink flowering plant is a Milkweed that planted itself. The pink flowers are lovely and the leaves are food for the Monarch butterfly caterpillars. I saw my first ones today and took a video. I don't know how to do it on Blogger but it's easy as pie on Instagram. Click here to see my monarch caterpillar video. Click on the arrow in the center of the photo to start the movement. I am so happy I am helping save the Monarchs. Milkweed is their primary food source and it is being eradicated by farmers who consider it a nuisance. Did you know each Monarch lays 500 eggs in one season and only 20 survive? I hope my little plant, in a very protected location, has a better ratio of eggs to butterflies. See you later. xo

The Best Medicine


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Nicest Canopy Over Doorway, Ever

This is the best design I have seen for adding some protection from the weather over a doorway without building an addition. Found here on Instagram from the firm in England that made it and the zinc planter also.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Hello, August

August 1939
Good Housekeeping Magazine
I photographed this in a used book shop.
My photo.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Turn Your Life Into A Story

I like this quote very much.
Don't forget, tonight is the finale of Grantchester on PBS, Sniff. Sniff. Here is a preview. 

Friday, July 28, 2017

A True Rocking Chair Porch

This could possibly be the front porch at an Inn or a Bed and Breakfast and it's lovely. via

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Small House Big Gardens

I love the brick paths leading to the porch and gardens. The yard, surrounded by hedges, divides the lawn from the cutting garden. How very nice. Love! via The house looks nice too and very manageable.