Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ivy Covered Estate with Pool

Swim anyone? This looks very refreshing on a hot, humid day. If it were mine, I would prefer the pool farther away from the house so it wouldn't be an eyesore in the winter.
Most towns require a fence anyway.
The mature landscaping is perfect.
This luxury estate is very lovely, isn't it?

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Home Office Entrance

This must be an extraordinary home office. I wonder if these plaid chairs are in the conference room or the home dining room? via

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Nasturtiums in my Garden

I sowed nasturtium seeds in a large outdoor planter this year and I am really enjoying them. The edible flowers are often described as "peppery" but mine are easily as strong as horseradish.  Wow, talk about clearing your sinuses. I love the lilypad leaves too. I am going to save the seeds for planting next year. They are such cheerful flowers! Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Friday, July 21, 2017

My Baby Robin and A Pot of Corriander

I had a robin's nest with 5 baby robins under my balcony on top of one of the brick pillars.
This is the only fledgling who is keeping in touch. Don't you love those eyebrows?

I planted organic coriander seeds in this pot and am enjoying my harvest.

A larger view of the baby bird visit yesterday.
You can see more of him on my Instagram.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Dahlias in Asheville

Originally cultivated by the Aztecs, dahlias are perennial mountain flowers that survive until frost.
The Technicolor whorls of a Café au Lait dahlia.

Read the article about this Asheville NC Dahlia Farm: FOR THE LOVE OF DAHLIAS

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

“Cosy Corner”. Carl Larsson, 1894

“Cosy Corner”. Carl Larsson, 1894. This rendering still looks very timely except for the pipe. via

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cottage Near Me with Hollyhocks

I've been meaning to stop and photograph this sweet cottage I pass when going to the Post Office to pick up my mail and today I pulled over. There were a few cars behind me and I waved for them to go around me so I could get a decent photo. The cottage is close to the road so I cropped out the asphalt. I love the old-fashioned flower garden with beautiful hollyhocks, don't you? Click on photo to enlarge.