Friday, March 24, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

More about Beatrix Potter

A teenage Beatrix Potter with her pet mouse Xarifa, 1885, from Cotsen Children’s Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University.
The daughter of Manchester Unitarians wealthy from the cotton trade, Helen Beatrix Potter, born Saturday, 28 July 1866, grew up in a fully-serviced Kensington house. Notwithstanding the butlers, governesses, grooms, nurses and maids she suffered early from the angst of loneliness. A cold, uninterested mother raised the child at arm’s length, and the warmest early companionship came from pets – lizards, guinea-pigs, newts, birds, mice, bats and rabbits, cats and dogs.
Read more fascinating information about our favorite illustrator here.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Welcome Spring

This rooster really has something to crow about on this first day of Spring. I photographed this image from my Royal Book of Crests.

I took this photo yesterday on my way home from walking my property at sundown. The snow has been melting rapidly and this was the first time I could walk easily in my boots. All the snow has melted from my back roof but there is still plenty on the western front. The birds sound happy on this sunny day and here's hoping you are too. See you later. xo

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Daffodil Lawn

Are you dreaming of daffodils? Mine are still buried under over a foot of snow. Do you love this 1775 Welsh cottage as much as I do? Have a great weekend. More photos here.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Look Closely for Shamrocks

Growing alongside the rosemary cutting, you will see three tiny shamrocks. They came up out of nowhere just in time for St. Patrick's Day on Friday. Aren't they sweet?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Path: One Shovel Wide

I shoveled for hours and have a path one shovel wide. I also can get my car out to the road and it's all cleaned off. I shoveled for hours and it felt good. Now I am going to fire up the heating pad and watch a movie in bed. What a day. Every kind of weather but not as much snow as they were predicting, thankfully. Be safe and warm. xo