Thursday, November 24, 2016

White Oak Tea Tavern - Wonderful Log Building

I love this log cabin. It's the White Oak Tea Tavern in Troutville VA. Don't you think this should be a destination stop for anyone driving through Virginia? It's near Roanoke I think. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Vintage Thanksgiving Magazine Covers

Abraham Lincoln issued the first Thanksgiving turkey pardon as a gesture to help unify a divided nation at the end of the Civil War. 

I like them all. My family was quite taken with TV in the early days, so this one is my favorite even though I am not a sports fan. Have a great holiday. xo 
via Google Images

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sliding Barn Door in A Kitchen

I would like to see the rest of this lart if the room, wouldn't you.

I don't think this sliding door is closed very much. The adjoining room seems to be a butler's pantry. Maybe the door is closed if the kitchen is a mess which is probably never. via

To Serve Them All My Days DVD set

To Serve Them All My Days You can thank me later for this DVD recommendation. It was first broadcast by the BBC over 13 episodes in 1980 and 1981, and in 1982 by PBS in the United States as part of their Masterpiece Theatre anthology series. I don't remember watching it back then. It's timeless and I promise you will enjoy it too.
Sorry about the stickers on the cover. It's from the Madison NJ public library. Each disc contains multiple chapters. I can hardly bear to tear myself away since I am about to begin the last DVD in the set. If you liked Goodbye Mr. Chips with Peter O'Toole, you will love this and it's much longer! Based on the novel by R. F. Delderfield for those of you who prefer to read. The acting is superb. I absolutely cannot wait to hear from you after you watch the whole thing.

My library allows a two-week period for long videos like this but once I get started, I can usually whiz thru in a weekend.

If you can't find the DVD set at your library, you can watch the entire series on YouTube. Chapter One is featured here. You will have to hunt around to find the other chapters. Look in the Right Side bar as a guide. To Serve Them All My Days Episode 1 Part 1 click on this link to go directly to YouTube so you can watch it full screen. Enjoy!!! xo

Friday, November 18, 2016

Secret Door in a Paneled Library

The only books I would be attracted to in this library are all fake. I hope no real books died in the process. When the sliding pocket door is closed it would be impossible to detect that this panel hides a secret passage. Via