Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016

White Kitchen w/ White Antique Pottery Collection

Stunning. Show me more, please. Lovely creamware collection. via

Beautiful Pond at Friends' House

I am sure they will miss this view after they move. Photographed this week when I stopped by to get a contract signed. It's a shame the resident blue heron wasn't fishing then. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Snow on The Rooftop

Snow is very becoming on this early center-chimney colonial home, isn't it? via
I was able to get out of my driveway without the aid of a snowplow, so happy.

Melting Fast

For a brief moment I could see nothing but blue skies from my front door and nothing but gray skies in the back. I opened the balcony door and waited for the first patch of blue. Let the melting begin! The Ground Hog must be exercising his power, after all.

Ground Hog Error: Morning Snow

I could hardly believe my eyes when I woke up this morning to a really beautiful overnight snowfall. It's the heavy wet type variety too, unlike the powdery one we had earlier this week. Yesterday late, I completed the task of shoveling the snow with embedded gravel back into my driveway so I wouldn't have to rake it out of the grass in the spring. I hope it will melt quickly when the sun comes out after lunch. This is Old Man Winter's way of snubbing the Ground Hog who predicted an early spring. He's saying, "Not on my watch!"