Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snow Frosted Windows

Webster has had a relaxing day in spite of the snow. So far, so good. We are both hoping it stops completely in the night so we can shovel our way out tomorrow. Be safe and warm. xo

Snow Storm at My Cottage

We got this much overnight. Pic taken at 7:30 am. That was before the wind started howling from the north creating a total whiteout. We are fine!

A quick whiz and back he ran.

It's not obvious in the photo but he was running fast to get back in the house.

He has had breakfast and has gone out twice more. Now he's resting snugly on his dog bed. Sleep is the best way to deal with this stuff. Be safe, stay warm, and don't go out unless you have to! xo

Friday, January 22, 2016

Touched By Snow

I'm voting for this much snow. Just enough to decorate the landscape and then stop. This isn't going to happen though. Be safe and stay inside if you can. Be careful shoveling. Webster has a new bag of food and 3 boxes of biscuits so he's all set. I have nutritious food to keep me satisfied and on track with my food diary. The snow shovels are all lined up so I guess I'm prepared but a little nervous too. Isn't this a fabulous photo? found here

Henry James Quote in Calligraphy


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Shower Head over Sink

I'm intrigued by this shower head over the sink. Is it for watering flowers or washing your hair? I've never seen anything like it, have you. Plumbers can do anything the customer requests I suppose. via

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Pair of Antique Staffordshire Lamps in My Cottage

I had to make a quick run to look at a house for a customer yesterday and there was a thrift shop nearby. Look what I scored. A fabulous PAIR of antique staffordshire figures converted to lamps without being drilled with wonderful shades.

I took a photo of my new arrangement last night by lamp light.

This is the Jockey on Horseback facing right. I have the identical one facing left but I won't take a photo of it.

I adore the handmade shades. The pattern goes perfectly with the green checked sofa they are behind. 

As you can see, I haven't lost my touch for spotting great antiques that double as interior design elements. xo

Monday, January 18, 2016

English Brass Engraved Dog Collar Dated 1733

This is so wonderful! via
“Silas Shepley
Bullock Smithy Bramhall
If I shou’d miss or lose my way
Kind friend direct me right I pray”

Keeping a Food Diary: Day 3

I finally decided to do something about my nutrition. Reading labels and choosing proper foods has become increasingly difficult for me. Getting the proper about of protein by the end of the day was the biggest puzzle. I searched online for the best food diary and MyFoodDiary was far and away the best one.

I was surprised when I went to download it to see I already had it. I honestly don't remember paying and downloading it but I guess I did so all I had to do was put the app back on my iPhone. I had to do the normal things like get a user name and password, etc. Then I had to put in personal information like weight (ugh), desired weight, height, age, and I don't remember what else. So I did it. Then it told me how many calories I was to consume daily.

Well. I love it. I am supposed to get down to my desired weight in 4 months losing 1 pound a week. But that's not the best part. It turned out to be pretty easy to identify the foods I am eating. There is a barcode scanner for purchased foods. So easy. Then you just have to put in the amount ie: 1 cup, 1 slice, 1 tablespoon, etc. For whole foods like apples, oranges, bananas, avocados. etc. there is a food search. Also very easy. It remembers things you have already scanned too.

The best part is it tracks the nutritional values of the foods consumed. 

I had a smoothie this morning. Here's what I put in my blender: 1 cup unsweetened soy milk, 1 cup greek yogurt, 3/4 cup frozen organic blueberries, one slice canned pineapple in juice with no added sugar, and 1 tablespoon flaxseed meal. Here is the nutritional values for this delicious drink:

Now isn't this wonderful? I have already changed one bad habit. Yesterday I put half and half in my coffee and it was graded a D food. Soy milk is an A graded food so I put two tablespoons in each cup and avoided the bad fat. I hope to get my cholesterol down too thru diet. I'm not even putting an emphasis on losing weight either. I am also trying to increase my bone density without drugs. If the astronauts can increase theirs in 6 weeks after returning to earth, I should be able to increase mine in 9 months when I am due for another bone scan. Fingers crossed.

So far, I have been doing this on my iPhone exclusively but there is also an online website. Learn all about it here. I don't know if there is a charge for online use as with the iPhone app. Wish me luck!!!