Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Outdoor Dining in Tuscany

Wouldn't this be a delightful place to enjoy a meal? It takes a while, but you really can create some shade where there was none. via

Nantucket Staircase and Entrance Hall

Shall we go upstairs or down? This is a Nantucket house on Howard Street. via

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Delightful Bedroom Wing

This stone wing is fabulous. I'll bet these people can't wait to wake up every morning and bound outside to greet the day. The rest of the house appears to be on a small scale and I'm sure it's very nice too. via

Simple Plantings

Simply beautiful too. via

Monday, August 17, 2015

Queen Anne's Lace

Such a lovely photo. Via
Queen Anne's Lace, also called "Wild Carrot," is a common plant in dry fields, ditches, and open areas. It was introduced from Europe, and the carrots that we eat today were once cultivated from this plant. I did not know that, did you? Info found here.

Webster Relaxing in My Garden

This is an old photo from June  2013. I had just put down a nice new layer of wood chips after weeding my front garden while the peonies were in full bloom. I have been weeding this area lately and am just about ready to spread some new chips. It's cool and shady there in the morning and blazing hot in the afternoon. Webster will supervise as he always does when I take on an outside task. Have a good week. xo

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tiny Wild Grapes

The wild grapes are beginning to form on all the grape vines. I have to admit, I've never gotten to taste one after all these years. The birds get them first and that's fine with me. I love that my property produces food for the birds with the wild grapes following the wild raspberries. The birds leave plenty of ripe berries for me simply because they are so plentiful. Enjoy this beautiful Sunday. xo

Saturday, August 15, 2015