Saturday, August 15, 2015

Webster Waiting

Webster is waiting patiently for me to finish playing around with my camera on our after-breakfast walk this morning. The grass is getting greener and the leaves are already started to fall. We are having hot days and cool nights with a heavy dew each morning. Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, August 14, 2015

Round Hay Bales Everywhere

The people with farm assessments have round hay bales in their fields right now. I love driving around looking at them. Thank goodness I live in an area with lots of open land and an active land trust.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Child's Cottage Playhouse

That is a whole lot of money for a child's playhouse. I could do something very meaningful to my own cottage for that amount of money, couldn't you? It's called the Coral Gables Cottage Playhouse. The flip side is: who wouldn't want one if money were no object? Can you even imagine being a child and having one? A home of your own at a very young age, how nice! 

A Strange and Beautiful Leaf

Detail of the leaf photographed on a lunch-time walk with the Wonder Dog.

The uncropped version of a colorful leaf on a cattail reed in the wetlands.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Another Tiny Porch

This is fabulous, isn't it? via

World Elephant Day 2015

On August 12, 2012, the inaugural World Elephant Day was launched to bring attention to the urgent plight of Asian and African elephants. The elephant is loved, revered and respected by people and cultures around the world, yet we balance on the brink of seeing the last of this magnificent creature.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Leaves Three, Let It Be

The leaves on the poison ivy are just starting to turn. Knock on wood, I haven't gotten a bad case this year even though it's everywhere surrounding my property. Maybe I have finally developed some sort of immunity because I know I've touched it when weeding. We did have more off and on rain and it was wonderful. xo

Rain, As Promised

It started raining about 6:30 this morning and has already stopped. We need a lot more than that amount and I'm hoping it will start up again. Three hours of rain is just a drop in the bucket compared to what we really need. My phone shows more this afternoon, fingers crossed.