Monday, June 3, 2013

My Kitchen Sink with Daffodils

In a previous post, I blogged about the history of my recycled white porcelain double farm sink. I was just looking through some old photos and came across the lead photo with two big bunches of daffodils on the ledge. My mother and I picked them at an old abandoned farm house where we used to go to pick lilacs in the spring. I forgot to do it this year. I don't remember picking my own daffodils either. Next year, I shall. If you missed it, read more about my wonderful sink here. my photo
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Cat Naps Are Wonderful Things

Especially after breakfast on a cool, damp summer morning when the grass is too wet for outside sleeping. I have chores to do or I would jump in with her. Webster is stretched out on the rug in the guest room so it's very quiet around here. I think that heat wave we had wore everyone out! 
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Wet Dog

I did this very thing to Webster this morning when he came in from the soft summer rain. It's so much cooler and it smells like mountain air with the doors and windows open again. We enjoyed the A/C but we are fresh air lovers here at the cottage. via 
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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mellerstain House in Scotland

I was surprised to learn this charming cottage was in Scotland. It looks so much like a story book illustration, doesn't it? I love the hedge lining the walk. Let's go inside, shall we? via
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Eat Local

I haven't been to a single farmer's market yet this year. The ones near me haven't opened yet. via
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Peony Update

Since my peonies opened several days ago, there has been quite an explosion. Thankfully, we haven't had any rain to destroy them. They are a delight, aren't they? How does your garden grow? my iPhone photos
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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Antique Urns in An English Garden

The walls, the urns, the patina -- only in England! via
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Interior Design for Gardeners

Don't you love peeking into an antique collector's home? I would love to poke around look at all of the  old gardening items and curiosities, wouldn't you? via
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