Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This beautiful photograph of fresh radishes in an antique yellowware bowl looks like a painting. by raewillow on Flickr.

The Many Views of Selling A House

This is how the seller sees the house.

This is how the potential buyer see the house.

This is how the lender sees the house.

This is how the appraiser sees the house.

This is how the county tax assessor sees the house.

What the buyers are thinking.
I wish there were a picture showing how hard the realtor has to work to get it sold.

Wonderful Quote About BOOKS

Yes! I know the feeling well. I also posted this on Pinterest.

Abraham Crowley: Garden, Home and Books


I'm quite sure we would have been friends if I had been born in London in 1618. via

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Shakespeare Quote from King Lear

Great advice from William Shakespeare, the bard of Avon.

Yellow Jacket at Work

This is the third paper nest this year I've had to knock down. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this one going up at the top of the door jamb between my living room and the balcony. That's a little too close to home for me. Doesn't he look positively wicked? The yellow jackets make the gray paper themselves by chewing on slivers of wood. The young are hatched and food is stored in the nest’s center or "core" of hexagonal cells. That's today's science lesson from the cottage. my Nikon photo

Traditional Kitchen w/ Perfect Symetry

Traditional Kitchen by Palo Alto Architect FGY Architects
For more views of this wonderful San Francisco home, click here.

Delightful Designer Bathroom

Yes, please. I wouldn't change a thing except maybe the chandelier. I love the design of this wonderful bathroom by Shon Parker.